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Every time I read the Harry Potter books all over again I notice new parallels between characters​.

There is the relationship between Regulus Black and Sirius Black. Which is parallel to the relationship between James Potter II and Albus Potter. Both include an older brother sorted into Gryffindor and a younger brother sorted into Slytherin. One brother breaks off of the usual family tradition by being sorted into the rival house.

I have noticed that Merope Riddle (nee Gaunt) and Severus Snape had similarities. Both excelled at potions and was in love with someone who did not love them back. However while Merope choose to use her potion skills to force Tom Riddle Sr to love her Snape never did so for Lily. He had the means to but he didn't. I respect Severus more now.

Both Sirius Black and Fred Weasley were pranksters and both died laughing. Both were actually fairly good at school but just didn't care to pay attention.

Draco and Harry were raised as pretty much opposites. Draco was raised with both parents alive. Harry's were dead. Draco was raised rich. Harry was raised as poor. Draco was sorted into Slytherin. Harry was sorted into Gryffindor. Harry was forced to fight against Voldemort (or he would have killed Harry) and Draco was forced to fight with Voldemort (or he would have killed his parents). Harry and Draco were rivals at school. They both have son's who become friends.

Lily and Hermione were both muggle-borns. They were both considered to be the brightest witch.

Both Ron and Percy owned Scabbers and both temporarily betrayed their friends and family before realizing that they had been acting like git's. After this realization it took them both awhile to actually return.

These are just a few but I hope you enjoyed.

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