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Important lessons that Harry Potter taught:

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Important lessons that Harry Potter taught:

1. To stand up to your friends when they are doing something wrong. Dumbledore struggled against this and didn't stand up to Grindelwald until lots of people had already been hurt. But Neville understood this back in his first year.

2. Admit when you are wrong. We see this lesson taught by Harry, Ron, Hermione, Percy, and Remus. The Golden trio is constantly jumping to conclusions and overreacting. However they admit when they are wrong and that has kept their friendship together. Percy came back to his family before the battle of Hogwarts which allowed his family to be reunited before losing Fred. Remus was going to run away from his duties and join Harry but Harry knocked some sense into him and Remus thanked him for it later.

3. Judge someone's character not on how they treat their equals but how they treat their inferiors. Sirius may have put it in words but it's Regulus who really teaches this lesson. Regulus treated Kreacher with kindness and Kreacher loved Regulus for it. Once Harry decides to use the same tactic with Kreacher we see it work again.

4. Your house isn't all you are. Sure it shows some of what you are. Harry I'd Gryffindor and he is brave. But you can have the traits of other houses. Luna is a wise Ravenclaw but she is just as brave as any Gryffindor and just as kind as any Hufflepuff. Hermione is just as smart as any Ravenclaw and just as loyal as any Hufflepuff.

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