90 days to live - Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

I let out an animalistic hiss and glower at my attacker. The Leto clumsily stumbles forward, bringing down his fist for what should be a crushing blow. I dodge to the left and I feel the whoosh of his swing brush my cheek. The lumbering Leto stumbles and tries to regains its bearings. I roll my eyes. This one is strong but slow.

The Leto charges again, drawing a long silver blade from inside his white jacket. He slashes forward but I’m ready for the predictable attack. I bring my gold plated shield to protect my head from the blade. I hear the crash of metal upon metal and tense my arms for the powerful blow. The Leto stumbles once again. Time to unleash my wrath.

I let the mental picture of my black-haired boy slip into my mind. My heart rate picks up and I growl at the disgusting thing in front of me. Hot, angry tears spring to my eyes but I quickly wipe them away. I must not get emotional, I need to get even. I clench my jaw and grit my teeth. I want to fight and I want to do it now.

I lunge at the Leto, my dagger raised in my right hand. The Leto brings his sword to meet mine, jarring them in a fierce lock of strength. I cannot win on power alone. I swing my leg up, making contact with the Leto’s stomach. His force on his sword weakens and I swiftly knock it out of his hand’s. The Leto glares at me; his fists are now his only form of defence. His peers won’t save him.

The Leto charges forward once more, a crazed look in his dark eyes. He swipes at my head but I bring my arms up to protect my face. I catch his arm and twist it round behind his back. I feel the snap of the bone and wince in disgust. I kick him in the back and he falls to the floor. He begins to scramble up just as I jump down to crouch above him.

"You’ll never beat me" I hiss through gritted teeth. My knife sinks into its back. The Leto lets out a strangled moan as I yank my dagger out. There’s no blood, Letos don’t bleed. It’s body begins to shudder. It quakes like its being shaken yet I’m not touching it. The Leto starts to dissipate underneath my body until I’m no longer staring at the black mop of hair. Only the dirty cobbles gaze back at me.

It’s most definitely not my first kill. I spring up from my crouch and turn around to the remaining Leto. And it won’t be my last.

The next Leto steps forward for the challenge. His face is set in one of grim unconcern. Despite the fact it’s just witnessed my triumph over the previous Leto, he still advances. We circle each other before the fight begins.

He uses the same techniques as every Leto; attack. They cannot adjust their fighting methods; they’re only programmed for one thing. Soon enough I have him pinned to the floor, groaning as the reflection of my dagger shines on his eyes.

"I will never decline an opportunity to kill one of you" I snarl as my golden dagger leaves the Leto’s stomach. It’s body has vanished in a matter of seconds.

I heave a sigh of satisfaction. I progress steadily through each Leto applying my usual tactics; Let them think they’re winning, turn the situation to my advantage and finally, whisper the last words they will hear. I stitch together the cruel and callous words for a purpose. As well as proving to the Leto that I show no mercy, the concluding words remind me what I am and what I’m doing.

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