Chapter Three

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I awoke to the sound of voices around my bed. As soon as I opened my eyes, I was already being tackled into a hug.  I groaned loudly. 'God, Louis. You're crushing my insides.' Almost immediately the arms left my body and I was greeted by the worried eyes of my best friend, Louis.  'Are you alright?' he asked, his voice going higher a pitch.

 I rolled my eyes and tried to flash him a reassuring smile. 'I'm fine,' I told him, even though I was really not. He let out a relieved sigh before pointing to my parents who were standing beside him. They were both smiling down at me but their eyes were filled with concern. 'Kyte, your parents are here,' he told me, grinning.

I rolled my eyes and shoved him lightly when I discovered my arms had regained feeling. 'No shit, Sherlock,' I told him. 'You are such a dope.' Now, he rolled his eyes, still grinning at me. 'But you love it, really.' I chose to ignore this and just stuck my tongue out at him. Then, I turned to face my parents. 

'How are you?' my mum asked. I sighed before saying 'I'm fine.' Even to myself I sounded like I was lying. My voice was too high to be normal. My mum looked at me doubtfully but didn't comment. 'So are you hungry?' she asked. I shrugged and then winced when pain stabbed into my sides again. So definitely no shrugging or even trying to move too much before my ribs healed.

My mum sighed. 'Would you like a glass of water?' I thought about this for a moment. 'Just orange juice.' She nodded and left the room. I spent a moment wondering why she didn't call a nurse or someone else to get it for me, instead of going to get it herself. But knowing my mum, and how she liked to do everything herself, I really shouldn't be surprised. 

My dad watched her leave before dropping heavily into a chair- the only chair- and then turned to face me. 'Did the doctor talk to you yet?' His eyes were full of sympathy and concern. I nodded, swallowing dryly. 'Yeah.' He looked upset and said, 'are you alright?' I closed my eyes suddenly tired. I was sick of hearing that question. 

I was confused, tired, scared, hopeful, sad. But there was no way of summing up my feelings with just a couple of words so I just smiled weakly. 'I'm fine. I'm okay.' My dad nodded slowly. 'Honey, you can tell us if you're scared or upset, you know. We'll always be here for you,' he told me, jerking his thumb at himself, Louis and the doorway, presumably meaning my mum. 

'I know,' I told him. He smiled reassuringly at me. 'Always keep hoping though. Never give up.' 'I know.' 'Good,' he said and then looked down at his wrist watch. 'I would love to stay longer, but I need to leave for work. Can you pass that on to your mother when she gets back?' I nodded and gave him a smile. 'Of course.' Secretly, I was glad he was leaving. I wasn't in the mood to talk about my life or getting fussed over. All I wanted to do was to sleep. My dad returned my smile before patting my hand gently and leaving the room.

From beside my bed, I heard Louis let out a huff. 'I thought he would never leave.' I made a face. 'I know.'  Louis went over to the chair my dad had occupied a moment ago and slumped into it before studying my face carefully. 'So how are you?' I rolled my eyes. 'How many times do I need to repeat myself? I'm fine,' I told him bluntly. 

He rolled his eyes. 'Now we all know that is a lie.' Damn. I had forgotten how Louis knew me so well. Still, I tried to bluff my way out of it. 'How would you know?' I asked him. The corners of his lips instantly curved upwards to form a huge smirk. 'You wrinkle your nose when you lie. And fidget with your hair.' 'I do not!' I snapped at him. His smirk only got wider. 'You're lying again!' he told me gleefully. 

'Oh shut up,' I grumbled at  him, defeated. He grinned and fist pumped in victory. I reached out and slapped the back of his head lightly, like I always did when I was annoyed or amused. Or both at the same time. Louis sobered up slightly and when he looked me in the eye, he was dead serious. I gulped and tried to hide behind my hair. 

He sighed. 'Come on, Kyte,' he whined. I pouted, jutting out my bottom lip slightly. 'No.' Louis sighed again. 'I'll cut off your nutella supply,' he threatened. I felt my eyes widen. 'You wouldn't dare.' He smiled smugly. 'Just watch me.' I glared at him. 'Two can play at that game,' I told him, 'I'll eat all your carrots.' 

Louis' reaction was hilarious. His eyes practically bulged out of his head and he almost fell out out of the chair he was sitting in. All the while I was killing myself laughing. When I had finished laughing, he shot a glare at me and scowled. 'It's no fair. You play dirty.' I smiled as sweetly as I could and was rewarded with the stuffed carrot thrown in my face.

I let out an annoyed huff and grabbed the carrot, stuffing it behind me. 'It's my hostage now.' Louis frowned but didn't say anything. After a while, the silence became intolerable and I pulled the stuffed toy from out behind me and thrust it in his face. 'Fine. You  can have it back.' Louis smiled happily and hugged it to his chest. 

'Now spill.' I sighed, realising I had to say something eventually. 'I'm kind of freaking out with being blind.' Understatement of the decade. I was terrified. I felt my eyes prickle slightly with tears and fought to hold them back. Louis nodded, his face filled with understanding. 'I'll always be there for you though. You know that right?' I nodded still trying to blink away rapidly forming tears. 'Uh huh.' 

He paused for a moment. 'What know...your legs?' And then my self control just snapped. My tears were flowing before I even knew what was happening. I had been trying to suppress the tears but now, as the realisation hit me, I just couldn't stop the quiet, shaking sobs that erupted through me. 

Louis stepped forward immeadiately and enveloped me into a hug. My vision was blurred from my tears and I buried my head in his shoulder, my tears soaking his shirt. He patted my back, whispering 'it's alright' to me. But I knew it wasn't true. Nothing was going to be alright. I was a cripple.

So I laid in his arms and cried.


Hey ;) Chapter Three is finally up! So, I wanna know your thoughts. Good, not so good? I know I said it was only a preview, but now I wrapped up into the story and I just can't be bothered with Wishes On Shooting Stars. Sorry ;( 

Also, I'm thinking of changing Kyte's name. It doesn't really seem right for the story. 

Stay Be-you-tiful

Amy. x

Listen to the song on the side! Therapy is awesomely awesome. Dayumm, I am so in love with Alex ;)

The Girl With The Broken Smile (One Direction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें