Chapter One

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That morning, I had slid my legs into my faded blue skinny jeans and wriggled them on. I walked over to the full sized mirror in my bedroom and stared at my reflection for a moment. The jeans were a bit too tight for my liking but I had no other pairs of clean pants to wear. I remember telling myself that I really needed to stop procrastinating when it came to doing my laundry. But at the very least, the jeans complimented my height and curves.

I had reached over to my closet and pulled out my more-green-than-blue knit sweater and threw it on, over my white buttoned up shirt. It had taken me awhile to adjust the collar of my shirt so it was poking out of my jumper but then I had smiled at my reflection, satisfied.  I had sat down heavily on my bed and  pulled on my old Doc Martens. I remember sighing quietly, then I had grabbed my school satchel from its place on the floor and had slung it around my shoulders. It had been almost time for me to leave for school. 

I had flicked a strand of my dark blonde hair out of my eyes and had hurried down the stairs. The house had been empty, both my parents had already left for work. I had walked into the kitchen and had grabbed a granola bar from the pantry before heading out the door. I  shoved the granola bar in my pocket; I had decided to eat it later on the bus, when I had time. I slammed the door shut behind me and had tried not to trip on anything as I sprinted towards the bus stop, the watch on my wrist announcing I was going to be late. No such luck. I seemed to be a magnet for trouble, being the klutz I was.

It was raining heavily outside and I couldn't see much. I tried not to skid too much, but the rain was making the pavement wet and slippery, not helping my case.  I kept my eyes on my feet, focusing, to watch for things that could possibly make me trip, instead of looking up, to see what was ahead of me. 

It's funny how I can remember that morning in such perfect detail. Every single thing I did, to every single emotion I felt. Sometimes, I wonder what would of happened, if I did look ahead. Then, maybe, I would of prevented this. Maybe, I wouldn't be saying goodbye to everyone I loved, all too soon. That's a lot of maybes and the past is the past, unchangeable and stubborn as it was. But I have no regrets. No. After all, if this didn't happen, I would of never met Harry. My life would of been so different. Even if I had a second chance, a chance to look ahead, to watch where I was going, I wouldn't take it.

After all, Harry is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

My name is Kyte, and this is our story.


Hello ;) This is just a preview for my new book. Tell me what you think about it! This chapter is kind of short but I promise the rest will be longer. Scouts Honour ;)

Enjoy ;)

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Amy. x

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