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"You know me?" He asked.

"I'm a telepath," Jasmine pointed to her temple "We also met, some time ago, in a bar. Erik, Charles and I."


"Indeed..." she said before it went silent again.

"So, uh, what happened to the school?"

"The school's been shut for years," she scoffed.

"Where's the professor?"

"He's not here," she replied. It was the truth. The professor was long gone. The man left was nowhere near what he used to be.

"Are you sure?" Logan asked before barging through the door. He then called the professor's name.

"This is a private property. You can't just walk in here."

"But I just did, so..." Logan trailed off as he walked up the stairs.

"Fair point. But, like I said before, the professor isn't here," Jasmine told him.

"She's right," came Hank's voice from the top of the stairs.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Hank McCoy."

"Y-you're Beast?" Logan was dumbfounded "You're a late bloomer, then."

"Yeah," Hank scoffed "You need to leave, before I call someone."

"Look, kid, you and I are gonna be great friends in the future, alright?" Logan then punched Hank, causing him to fall on the floor. Jasmine rushed to his side to nurse his injury but was pushed back. She looked at Hank and saw that he was turning blue. This wasn't good.

Jasmine tried to calm him down but failed. Hank charged at Logan, on all fours, and attacked him. Jasmine was still downstairs and was taken aback when she saw Logan fly across the stairs, shouting.

Logan fought back and in the blink of an eye, Hank was hanging from the chandelier.

"Hank? What's going on?" A voice said from the top of the stairs. Charles.

"Professor?" Logan called, slightly surprised to see Charles walking down the stairs. Walking.

"Please, don't call me that."

"Why you know this guy?" Hank's blue form asked, looking at Logan, again.

"Yeah, he looks slightly familiar," Charles elongated the 's' sound "Get off the bloody chandelier, Hank."

Hank complied and landed on his feet next to the table Logan was lying on.

"You can walk?" Logan asked.

"You're a perceptive one."

"I thought Erik-"

"Which makes it slightly perplexing that you managed to miss our sign on the way in," Charles continued "This is private property, my friend. I'm going to have to ask him to ask you to leave."

Jasmine watched as Charles looked down at his empty glass. He hadn't seemed to notice her, but she didn't care. Like he said before, he wanted her to leave. Why would he care?

"Well, I'm afraid I can't do that because, uh, I was sent here for you."

"Well, tell whoever it is that sent you, that I'm busy," Charles said and caught sight of Jasmine standing near Logan. How had he not noticed before? Why was she carrying a suitcase?

"Hah, that's gonna be a little tricky, because the person who sent me... was you," Logan told him, shocking the other three. That couldn't have been possible. Charles stayed in his room for the most part of the day.


"About 50 years from now," Logan replied.

"50 years from now? Like in the future, 50 years from now?" Charles didn't believe Logan, at all.


"I sent you, from the future?"


"Hm, piss of," Charles muttered. Jasmine glared at him, but he didn't look at her. She knew that Logan was telling the truth. When he had started to talk, she read his mind. She saw the future, the x-men, Charles. But the future was full of destruction and death - far from what she had expected.

"He's telling the truth, Charles," Jasmine broke the silence. Everyone looked at her "I read his mind, he isn't lying."

"If you had your powers, you'd know she was right and that I was telling the truth," Logan said.

"How do you know, I don't have my pow-" Charles paused, thinking it over for a moment "Who are you?"

"I told you."

"Are you CIA?"


"You've been watching us?"

"For God's sake, no," Jasmine replied.

"I know you, Charles. We've been friends for years," Logan carried on "I know, your powers came when you were 9. I know, you thought you were going crazy when it started, all the voices in your head. It wasn't until you were 12, that you realised the voices were in everyone else's head. Do you want me to go on?"

"I've only ever told one person that," Charles said and turned his gaze to Jasmine, who was looking down at the floor.

"I know, and you'll tell more," Logan said.

"Alright, you've peaked my interest. What do you want?"

"We have to stop Raven," Logan told him, Hank and Jasmine exchanged a few confused looks "I need your help, we need your help."

"I think I'd like to wake up now," Charles mumbled and stood up. He quickly glanced at Jasmine before walking to his study.

"What does she have to do with this?" Hank asked, sincerely, as he turned back into his human self.

Logan gestured for the two to follow him into the study, where he would explain to everyone what was happening. Or, rather, what was going to happen.

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