Chapter Eleven: Understand me

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"Its one of your many talents" Tinsel says to me.

"How???" I ask. "Well you always seem to escape the nearest death accidents or something similar, so its part of your many talents" he says.

I shook my head.

"The only talent I have is drawing" I tell him.

He shook his head smiling. "Don't forget:




4.Having the ability to make some one scream in frustration under five minutes.

5.Ruining moments.



8. Finishing five packets of Dairy milk non stop without adding weight. (Well after she exercises anyway ;-)

9.Saying the most of point things during conversations.

10. Reading for a test for hours then forgetting everything just by watching Sponge Bob.

11. The super ability to forgive.

12. Singing.

I would continue but I don't have enough saliva to" he says.

I feel like throwing him out the window. "First of all! Those are not Talents except for drawing, singing and the sporty stuff, Second of all! Drawing is associated with creativity and second of all I can't sing! All I can do is shout and learn lyrics to the rock and rap songs I like" I say.

He looked unshaken by my words. "But you have a nice voice" he says. "My voice is just there and you just think so cuz you love me" I say.

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say" he says walking away.

I follow him. "Its the truth!" I Say waving my arms about.

"Whatever you say Shankrai"he says.

"Stop calling me-" I say but I stopped. He turned his head around and smirked at me.

"Can't say i should stop cuz that's your hero name now" he says.


"Its your fault that its my hero name" I accuse him. He chuckled.
"Its better than Car crasher girl" he says. I huff.

We walk into the living room Tim!" Beastie says landing on my head as a monkey. "Who's my favorite green monkey??!!!" I say as I try to grab him.

"Its not me if you try to hug me" he says jumping off.

"Hi Timaya" says Raven. "Hello my levitating friend!" I say as I ran up to her. "I'm not meditating" she says cuz she wasn't levitating.

"But you levitate don't ya?!" I ask.
"Yea...... Sure" she says.

I laughed. I had a simple flash vision that Damian was coming in.

"Damian!" I say running to the door, which he emerged from.

He tried to block my hug immediately. "How did you know I was coming in?" He asks confused.

"Vision" I say as he pushed me off him. "Of course" he says.


"Mummy!!!" I call out as I skip into the kitchen. Mum put the pot of rice on the stove to boil.

"Yes my baby?" She asks tiredly without looking at me as she walked over to the cupboard.

"I couldn't find my right sock can I just wear the pair you just washed? Its dry" I ask.

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