Finding Sora

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Welcome back if you read the previous chapters, or if you're new then welcome to the story! I'm so glad to see so many people are reading this and hopefully enjoying it! Now then, some characters may end up seeming OOC, but that's either the case of it just being a while since I've read the books/playing the games, or I just way need them that way for the story. For all you know, this could all be one big dream that the group is having! NOW, ON WITH THE STORY!

**DISCLAIMER** I do not own Kingdom Hearts or Maximum Ride, they are owned by Disney/Square Enix and James Patterson respectfully.


It's been at my best guess, about three days since I woke up from the 'surgery.' Yeah right. More like wing-graft. Yep, you heard me. Wing-graft. Basically, to cut it short I woke up in this weird place called the school and was suddenly introduced into this thing called the Angel Experiment. This resulted in my being given multiple surgeries, incisions, and injections. All to make me into a Bird-Kid. Or as my new friend Nudge likes to call us, Avian-American. And ever since then it's been endless experiments.

I knew I had a lot of stamina, but I had no idea that I'd be using it for something like this! After the whitecoat and his Erasers brought us into a different part of the facility we'd been subjected to several different kinds of tortures. Including, soaking us with water and then giving us small shots of electricity. Making us run through endless mazes with hot wires burning our feet every time we slowed down. Even giving us different drugs to see how our bodies would react to them! I almost couldn't believe my eyes as I looked at what was to be the next experiment I said, "Are you kidding me?" Before my eyes, there stood seven treadmills. They just wanted us to run!

Max just looked at me as if I was crazy for even asking that sort of question but quickly looked forward again. As they taped electrodes to our skin I couldn't help but smile, this was going to be too easy.


Meanwhile in Disney Castle.

It's been three weeks since he went missing. Three weeks since I'd seen my twin. (QUICK A/N: I decided to make Sora and Roxas twins who'd been separated at birth for this story, bear with me here.) It feels like I'm missing incomplete, one-half-of-a-whole. Is this like what Ventus went through when his heart shattered destroying the X-Blade? The last thing he'd said to me before he disappeared, was, "Don't worry, I'm only going to be gone for a few days." When he tells me or Kairi not to worry is when we worry the most.

Suddenly, my bedroom door flew open. Broken from my thoughts I saw it was Ventus, I still find it unnerving how I'm a carbon copy of him, right down to the way my hair spikes to the side. Ventus was practically yelling as he ran into the wall, his metal boots putting twin holes in the wall, again. "Ventus, calm down. I can hardly understand you!" Ventus ignored me, however, shouting, "I THINK I MAY HAVE FOUND HIM!" At this I just completely froze mid-step, all mental processes shutting down. 'Found him.' Those two words just echoed back and forth in my head, I almost didn't want to believe it. Almost.

"REALLY, WHERE! WHAT WORLD IS HE IN! DO YOU KNOW IF I'M GOING TO GET SOME SORT OF TRANSFORMATION! WHEN DO WE LEAVE?!" The words were out of my mouth before I could even stop them. I was just too excited for the chance to see my twin again. Ventus had finally pulled his feet out of the wall and said, "I'm not sure if he's there or not yet, however I had a strong feeling of darkness encroaching the world."

Kairi, who'd been walking by on her way to the kitchens to see if she could find some cookie butter fudge, just so happened to hear Roxas' outburst of emotion and didn't even bother with the door, she just broke through the wall shouting, "Wherever you two goobers are going I'm going too!" Ventus and I immediately turned beet red at this, needless to say, Ven and I aren't very big fans of being called 'goobers.'

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kairi's POV.


It's just always too funny to watch Roxas and Ven react to being called goobers because about three months ago, they'd gotten sick eating Never-Ending-Gobstoppers that we'd gotten on a visit to a world called Chocolate Fantasmic. Needless to say, they haven't really been big fans of sweets ever since. In unison, they say, "It's been three months!" "And it's been three weeks since we last saw Sora! Get over it!" I immediately gasped and my hands flew to my mouth. I'd never snapped like that, at anyone. I immediately apologized saying, "Oh my Light you guys, I'm so sorry!" Roxas and Ventus both took deep breaths and let them go.

Roxas quietly said, "Don't worry, I understand. I'm worried about him too." I felt like I was going to cry again, only this time instead of it being from sadness and shock, but of gratitude. Ventus cleared his throat, gaining our full attention. "Okay, first off, no there's not going to be any transformations for this world, at least not to my knowledge. Second off, if we do go it's going to have to be a Rogue Mission. And finally, the worlds name is Orbis Terrae." As Ventus finished his sentence he looked a little winded.

Roxas was already packing his backpack full of potions as well as picking which rings and amulets to wear in order to give him as much power as possible. I gave a quick nod and ran off to my room to pack my own items, the boys could be stingy with their Potions.


Back in the School Sora's POV

Me and my big mouth. Turns out it wasn't as easy as I'd thought it'd be. They were custom built treadmills that got up to about three miles-per-hour. Joyous. Suddenly, an alarm went off, followed quickly by a group of Erasers running by our cages. Worriedly I shouted, "Angel, what's going on!" "There's intruders! And from what I've heard from the Erasers thoughts they're like you Sora!" Oh I forgot to mention that I'd spilled everything about myself after the treadmill experiment. Keyblade and all. Suddenly I heard what I could only describe as the voice of an angel shouting, "Deep freeze!" It got very cold and I nearly had a heart attack. That voice. I knew that voice. It was Kairi! She was cut, her dress tattered and battleworn, but she looked damned hot regardless.

She was engaged with an Eraser, as she spun around with a grace that I knew she had earned from months of training she cut him across the neck, almost decapitating him but not quite. Needless to say it was enough to cause a spray of blood to fly up into her face. I couldn't contain myself any longer, I shouted, "Kairi, I'm down here!" That turned out to be the biggest mistake of my entire life.

As she turned to look at me a dart embedded itself in her arm. Her eyes rolled up in the back of her head and she crumpled to the floor, unconsious. I almost lost it, seeing that made me very, very mad. But before I could do anything I saw someone who I knew was more than likely going to have a heart attack when he saw my new appendages.

It was my little brother, Roxas. He was being attacked by three Eraser's at once, he was doing pretty good too. That is of course until I shouted Kairi's name. His eyes widened with shock as he looked my way, and then he too got a dart to the arm and fell down unconsious.

Ventus followed quickly, he was moving so fast that I could barely see him. He was wearing his keyblade armor. I guess he saw what'd happened to Roxas and Kairi. However while he was surrounded on all sides by Erasers, an anesthetic gas was released, knocking him, and all the rest of us, out cold.

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