This is a School!

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This is my very first Fanfiction so I hope you enjoy.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Maximum Ride or Kingdom Hearts in any way shape or form, if I did I wouldn't be writing Fanfiction, I'd be writing actual books.

Gah, my head! Did I overdo it with Trinity Limit again, or did I get knocked out? As I slowly opened my eyes I found that somehow somebody had stuffed me into what felt like a size medium dog crate that smelled terribly of anesthetic. I looked outside the breathing holes in the crate and saw, even more, cages each one containing either a child or an animal. "What the hell is going on?" I was horrified by what I saw next, it was a little boy, he looked only about eight or nine years old. But the worst part was that he had what looked like a blowhole on the back of his neck. "Oh, my Light... what did they do to you!" I practically screamed this. He looked over at me with glassy eyes with what looked like a combination of pity, sorrow, loneliness. And worst of all, hopelessness before the light faded from his eyes and a gentle exhale of breath was heard. Then he was completely still.

I sat there for what felt like hours before someone came. "Damnit! Another one dead, maybe we should see about investing in a few fish tanks after all." It was a tall Hispanic looking man, he sounded like he was in his mid-forties to early fifties, he was wearing a white lab coat, a black long-sleeved shirt, and khaki pants. "Well, maybe you should've thought of that before you decided to start working on the Water Horse Project!" Another man practically barked and this guy was a giant! He was also wearing khaki pants but lacked the lab coat and was wearing a black tank top instead of a long-sleeved shirt.

Labcoat then said, "Get the new specimen, he's the next one for the Angel Experiment." Needless to say, I was at this point sweating bullets and was terrified. "What do you mean, 'the Angel Experiment,' what's going o-" Big guy slammed his fist down where my head met the top of my cage, effectively cutting me off and making my ears ring, shouting, "I hear another tweet outta you, I'll cut your tongue out and have it for lunch!" I decided to keep my mouth shut from then on, however that didn't stop me from trying to summon my Keyblade to unlock the cage. But no matter what I did it wouldn't appear, the closest I got was a few sparkles of yellow light that flickered out half a second after they appeared which needless to say, was absolutely useless.

We walked, or rather they walked while I was being lugged around like a suitcase, for about five minutes before arriving in a large room that smelled like anesthetic and something else, something terrifying. It smelled like fresh blood! "Just set it down anywhere, we'll take it from here." Big guy dropped my cage-rather unceremoniously I might add with a large clatter, earning him a chewing from Labcoat, "Without killing it!" I felt the prick of a hypodermic needle and then my vision faded into darkness again.


I woke up in my crate again, only this time my back felt like it was on fire and my entire body ached, as though I'd just been thumped by a Darkside. I wasn't alone though. I could hear least two or three other people in the room with me. They were whispering too, as though they were afraid of being caught. One of them, a girl around eleven or twelve I think said, "Do you think he's okay? He's been out for almost an entire week now." I almost didn't hear the reply from how shocked I was. I had been knocked out for a week! "He's fine, in fact, I think he's waking up!" Another little girl, who sounded around six years old this time, said excitedly. I finally decided to lift my head and take a look around.

Thanks for reading, read and review and tell me what you think and point out any spelling/grammatical errors, please!

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