forty-six ; professor, shut up

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Since Voldemort returned, Harry had always gotten the same dream every night or so. It would appear out of nowhere, this dark hallway illuminated by white lights. It was a place he had never seen, and he couldn't help but feel like this was connected, just like how the graveyard was connected to Voldemort.

Before the two boys could speak again, they were scurried off into class.

. . .

A fine, misty drizzle was coming, so that the people standing in huddles in the yard looked fuzzed at the edges. Harry, Ron, and Hermione--who snipped at them about them not paying attention to Binns and was even more snappy about their notes.

"Hello, Harry!"

Cho Chang--thankfully--saved both Ron and Harry from Hermione's lecture. Again, like the time at the train, she was alone which was very odd since Harry always saw her with other giggly girls. 

His though veered to Darcy, his eyes darting the courtyard for her--and he spotted her. She was walking along with Theodore Nott, who's arm was draped over her and Gemma's. He saw that a small smile was plastered on Darcy's face, and there was a skip in her step--

A cough from Ron drew Harry back, his face now hot. "Hi,

 he said to Cho.

"You got that stuff off, then?" The stinksap that Nevelle's plant had threw at him. He was not very fond of that memory.

"Yeah," said Harry, trying to grin as though the memory of their last meeting was funny as opposed to mortifying. "So did you . . . er . . . have a good summer?"

The moment he had said this he wished he hadn't: Cedric had been Cho's boyfriend and the memory of his death must have affected her holiday almost as badly as it had affected Harry's. . . . Something seemed to tauten in her face, but she said, "Oh, it was all right, you know. . . ." 

Harry nodded, though he had lost a little interest. He had no idea what she was doing here--or why he was talking to him. It couldn't justbe because she wanted to talk to him.

"So long as it was a good summer," said Harry simply, and his gaze unintentionally landed on Darcy again--who was smiling brightly at Theodore.

Heat sparked in Harry's chest, and his fists curled slightly. He hated feeling jealous.

Knowing that the conversation was over, Cho had waved good-bye and left.

That was when Hermione turned her talons on him.

"I've got a bone to pick with you," she said and pointed her finger at Harry. "You've got to really pick up your act."

Harry groaned. He knew she was going to say the same thing Ron did that morning.

"You've got to do something about your attitude," she said, closing her book. "This morning was out of line. How could you be so blind--?"

"Blind?" Harry interrupted. "Why would I be blind? I just wasn't in the mood to speak to anyone."

Harry was very uncomfortable, talking about Darcy when she was across the courtyard. He just really wasn't in the mood to speak anyone this morning after Seamus's outburst last night. But, Harry knew he couldn't blame Seamus for his attitude.

Ron asked, "But, Hermione, give Harry a break. He's got to worry about all the rubbish of him in the paper--and not to mention Seamus last night. He 

  "That still doesn't excuse the way Harry brushed her off," Hermione said levelly. "She was very worried about you. With all this talk about you. You know, you're not alone Harry, you can always talk about this stuff with her, or Ron and I."  

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