Chapter 24

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Kimani's House, Tuesday, 7am

Christian's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of rustling and noise. I opened my eyes and groaned as I saw Kimani's mom putting on her earrings in the wide mirror. I slowly sat up rubbing my eyes causing her to turn around. "Whoops, my bad." She said getting the other pair of earrings into the bottom piercing. "Didn't think I would wake you up, sorry."

"Naah, it's fine, it's your house." I replied stretching whilst I sat on the sofa.

"I have a couple minutes before I need to leave, do you want to tell me what happened now or later?" She asked applying that sticky thing, I mean ligloss, I think .. well she applied that onto her lips as she stared into the mirror. She looked like an older version of Kimani but she looked more mature and she was a bit more lighter than her daughter, her hair was around her shoulder and was straight, like bone straight.

"Uhhm, later if thats OK." I said wanting to postpone the whole idea of my own household. She smiled and replied with an 'OK.' She continued to get ready for work I guess and then she left the house. I sat on the sofa scrolling through my phone.

'Raina calling ... ' appeared across my screen. I rolled my eyes and then thought about how she defended me behind my back but, ugh there's no point in trying to but then again she is my sister. I sighed and answered the call.

"Where are you Christian?" She asked.

"I'm OK, don't worry about where I am." I stated looking at the ceiling.

"Don't tell me that, just, just make sure that you stay safe, love you." She said

"Yeah ite, bye." I said, soon after I pressed the red button. I put my phone down and yawned again. I laid in the sofa for about half an hour trying to sleep but nothing was helping me fall asleep. I got up and went to the bathroom. I peed and then washed my hands, I stared at myself in the mirror and shook my head, a nigga needs to get a haircut soon. I walked out of the bathroom and was walking towards the stairs until I saw Kimani's room. She was asleep, she looked like a baby.

I walked into the bedroom and she began to shuffle around in her bed, her covers were dropping off exposing the lower half of her body. Her thighs and ass were just on show, I could see her tiger marks and bro. If I could then I would just climb into that bed and sleep but I'm not gonna give her a heart attack again. I got the covers off the floor and put them over her body causing for her to move around to find comfort and then stop once she found the space in which she was comfortable in.

I left the room leaving the door slightly open just to make sure that I could hear if anything happened to her and then went back downstairs. I packed up where I was sleeping such as the covers and pillows and then put them in the closet. I went back upstairs into the bathroom and had a shower and brushed my teeth, couldn't be looking and smelling like shit when she woke up. Gotta make her think I woke up like this.

I got out of the shower and took off my Durag and brushed my hair. It was now around 8 going to 9 and I was bored but I didn't wanna wake her up but I wasn't gonna just sit down and continue watching her from the desk chair. I began tapping on the desk making beats waiting for her to wake up. I heard her grunt and then tug the covers over her head making me tap on the desk louder. "Whyyy?" She moaned, still underneath the covers. I laughed and continued to make my beat since it was lowkey lit.

Kimani got up from the bed and walked out of her room. I sat there waiting to hear the taps run or pots and pans clinging but all I could hear was the sound of another door closing. I ignored it and started scrolling through Instagram, I liked a couple pictures of different IG Models, like them ones with the big ass and shit. I put my phone down once I realised that I had been on it for some time now. I got up and called out for Kimani .. no response.

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