Chapter 23.

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Kimani's House, Friday, 6pm.

Kimani's P.O.V

I don't even understand HOW the weeks basically finished already but school starts after next week. I only have one more week until I'm plunged into mock exams. I don't want to do it but a girl's gotta do what a girls gotta do. I closed my revision book and stretched. I've been doing work since 12pm and I'm honestly sick of work right now, like if I see another maths or business equation I'll just throw up. I heard the door open and could hear my moms voice.

"That's what I said, how can you do that to your own children." I looked down the stairs to see her on the phone holding shopping bags. I went downstairs and helped her. "No, go get the ones in the car for me please." She said using her head to motion towards her car parked outside. I put on my slides and walked over to the car and got out the last few bags. I closed the trunk and as I did so I could see Jermaine coming out of his house, he looked like he was taking out the trash. He looked up and saw me and then went back to what he was doing. I sighed and got the bags and walked back into the house.

"There you go mummy." I said placing the bags onto the counter.

"Aah, thank you darling, I'm gonna make meatballs and pasta sauce tonight, its not too late is it?" She asked looking at the watch on her wrist. I looked at the kitchen clock and it read 6:05pm.

"Naah." I said shaking my head as I unloaded the groceries. Once I was finished with the groceries, I helped my mom cook so that it wouldn't take too long. I knew this recipe off by heart because it's our go to meal when we want something other than rice and stew all the time.

"So, let's talk about your boyfriend." She said chopping up some peppers and onions. I looked up from the meat and looked at her. "Go ahead tell me." She said waiting for me to speak.

"It's Christian, that boy that come over that time." I stated as I added some pepper to the meat.

"OOH, him, he's cute." She said putting the chopped up vegetables into a bowl and then getting some other ingredients out of the cabinet. "Make sure you don't get pregnant oooh." She said pointing with the knife.

"Yes, mommy, I won't." I said laughing at her, she didn't need to tell me that. I wasn't planning on having sex anytime soon to be honest. That would be tooo much for me to handle. I'm still 16 in fact, I need to wait a bit more.

"Good, because I won't help you out, you'll have to do everything on your own like I did." She continued. She always told me how her mom was soo disappointed that she got kicked out of the house, she lived with my dad and her mom but then she would get on their nerves and use me, the unborn baby as a reason to chat shit about them. Stuff like you're never gonna last once that baby is born, you guys are too young don't let that baby think you're my age and other stuff. Once I was born my moms mom came and tried to help her out but by then my mom and dad had already resented both moms. My dad dropped out of college and got them an apartment whilst my mom continued to go to school. She stopped school after college so that she could help out with the bills and other things and then here we are.

We continued to talk and catch up whilst we cooked, we finished cooking around 8:30pm and ate the food whilst we watched television in the living room.

"I'm going to bed now, love you." My mom said walking out of the living room into her bedroom. I sat there watching television for about an hour or two and then got bored. I went up the stairs and into the bathroom and peed, I then went to wash my face and looked at my reflection. 

It's crazy how every time I stare at myself I learn to hate myself even more but the people around me tend to fall in love with every fault on my body, from my wide nose, to my big lips, to my acne scars to the stretch marks on my bum. Everyone learns to love me but me. I will learn the ultimate love, self love, step by step. I washed my hands and went into my bedroom were I relaxed in bed until I was interrupted by Chris.

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