Control Your Demons

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-Third's Pov-

Chibita knew something was wrong when Osomatsu stopped visiting him the past month.

At first, he thought he maybe just needed some time to himself. But now, as much as he hate to admit it, he was starting to get worried for his friend.

Sure Osomatsu was always an asshole to him, espically back when they were children.

But Chibita was not heartless. He can tell the grow man was suffering.

I mean come on, the guy had lost all his friends and family besides him and all it took was an simple blowfish incident to change his world. How would you feel if you were in his shoes?

You feel like shit, that's why!

Chibita knew that Osomatsu's brothers are dead, and the guy hallucinates them still being alive. Because he did grow up with this guy watching him and his condition.

Doctor Kougami asked him to keep an eye out just in case Osomatsu might do something he'll regret later.

Now...He feels more guilt tumbling down on him like bricks.

Then the shorter man decided enough was enough. He had to help. He can't stand here and watch his friend suffer through these illusions of the so-called 'brothers' he's seeing.

Chibita puts an close sign on his cart and leaves his oden stand to go visit the Matsuno Household.

Although...The house only has one person in it. It used to be a family of eight people. But now...Only one.

The reason why Osomatsu is still able to afford the house because he has his family's life insurance. Chibita also begin to wonder how Osomatsu can still keep the house although he doesn't have a job yet. Or maybe he does...

...Nah. He almost forgot Osomatsu is still an lazy NEET.

But...Chibita didn't feel like going back to place where his friends died in. The house feels like a ghost town. He always could've swore that is also haunted and the decreased family could be still there. Maybe that's the reason why Osomatsu is seeing them.

It's either that or it's all in his mind.

Osomatsu though keeps claiming he could see them...His brothers...

Karamatsu. Choromatsu. Ichimatsu. Jyushimatsu. And Todomatsu.

But...That can't be possible and Chibita knows that.

Chibita: Hey Osomatsu...You here you idgit...?

When he didn't get an reply back. Now he was really worried. He slid the door open and stared in horror.


He found his friend hanging from an noose. Chibita ran towards him and grabbed a chair to put Osomatsu's feet on it. Then he tries to climb up and remove the noose. After a few seconds, he manage to get it off of Osomatsu's neck.

Chibita felt tears come outta his eyes.

Chibita: You better not be dead you selfish idgit!!!

Chibita checked his hand.

There was a pulse.

He sighed in relief. Osomatsu was still  alive.

Chibita begin to call Dr. Kougami.

Chibita: Hello! Dr. Kougami! It's Osomatsu! He just had another episode! He tried to commit suicide! Quick, bring an ambulance to his house! He's losing air! Please Hurry!

Chibita then hung up on him. Tears begin to pour out again.

Chibita: You damn idgit. You stupid stupid idgit! You're not going to die on my watch! Don't you dare die!...Don't you dare leave me too...If you die as well...I have no one...

Osomatsu wasn't the only one suffering. If only he knew how much Chibita was suffering by this well...

Chibita is the only one that may help Osomatsu control his demons...

I am them and they are me.

Have you ever had your clothes bought in the dozens?

It’s hell.

No matter where you go people point at you.

No matter how old you get people compare you.

You lose your identity.

Sextuplets doesn’t mean five friends, it means five enemies.

Six same faces...

Six same faces

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Osomatsu-san: Blowfish IncidentWhere stories live. Discover now