"Who's this?" Lexi asked suddenly.

"My therapist," I told her, taking no notice of her as I was about to continue.

"You're on a first name basis?" Jameson asked before I could begin again. I peered at him.

I nodded slowly, "Yes, unless you'd like me to call him 'the keeper of my secrets'?" Jameson frowned at this; I had a feeling that perhaps he hadn't intended for me to spill all the good stuff to my therapist. To be honest, I hadn't even realised that I was. Everything I said just came so freely.

No one said anything else, so I continued. "He made an assumption that got me thinking," I told them, "he said that everything bad that has happened to me has happened because I'm a Special One." I continued.

"Have you seriously just realised that?" Lexi asked. I felt a flush come over my cheeks as she attacked my news. I took a few moments to calm myself.

"You're not listening. Yes, I'm at the Academy because I'm a Special One, but everything that has gone wrong in my life can't all be because of that." I explained. A silence broke out.

Jameson shifted. "It's a good point. I think your attackers last year were driven by the fact that you're a Special One, but it doesn't mean to say that your abduction was carried out by the same people." The silence grew sickening as we all recalled the parts that we played in my abduction.

"Exactly." I said, finally. Then I realised my theory had holes.

"But you said that you recognised my abductee, that he was the same person that kidnapped you?" I was suggesting that Jameson would tell me more about it, but he instead flashed an uneasy glance at Alexi.

"Don't worry," I said, trying to comfort him. "She's here to help." I told him.

"I am?" Lexi asked and I shot her a sharp glare. It didn't seem to scare her, but she did straighten up.

"Yeah," she cleared her throat, "yeah I love helping." She announced, most certainly indicating that she did not like helping.

Jameson sighed. "I didn't know my kidnapper at the time, but," he turned to me, "as I've told you before, he and a few others trained me and many more kids my age, though some were older and some were younger–" he broke off and closed his eyes. This was hurting him. So I reached out and clasped onto one of his hands, giving it a comforting squeeze.

He opened his eyes and gave me a grateful smile, then continued. "–we were trained as fighters, though not the kind of fighter that you'd expect of a Guardian."

"Why?" Lexi asked.

Jameson seemed to be startled suddenly by her presence, as if he had forgotten that she was there. He looked down and rubbed his thumb over my index knuckle in deep thought.

"I don't know," he eventually said. "We never got round to answering that question."

"Well maybe we should," Lexi spoke, almost insensitively—given what Jameson had just talked about. "It could give us something more to go on, and could help Sky; if your kidnappings are linked then perhaps there's a motive that we need to acknowledge. Then we'd be able to keep Sky safe." I could barely recognise my former friend as she seemed to inherit traits of a full-fledged adult Guardian. Though, she always had been a Guardian. I just never knew.

Jameson seemed taken aback too, as if he didn't truly accept her as a Guardian until now. Maybe she was too young—maybe he compared her to me. That'd be a mistake.

"There's something else, though." I spoke up, before we were thrown into the turmoil that is two Guardians fighting over the best way to protect the Special One that they share equal responsibility for keeping alive. Just everyday problems.

"Except for the attack very recently, I haven't been attacked as much as I was being attacked when I first got here. Does that not seem strange to you?" I asked them. Lexi seemed to consider this, but Jameson jumped straight in.

"At least you're safe." He said.

"I agree," Lexi put in, and there was an odd moment where they both looked at each other and realised that they had just had the same idea. And they thought that was weird, apparently.

"But being safe now doesn't necessarily mean that she will be safe in the future. I believe that maybe they have an ulterior motive–"

"Exactly!" I said, pouncing up off of my chair, I clapped my hands together. "Now that I know I don't have stupid people as my allies, let's discuss our plan of action." I announced. They stared at me, open mouthed and utterly confused.

"Did she just play us?" Lexi asked to no one in particular.

"Oh, calm down; you'd have never listened to me if I was just dictating you around." Lexi didn't appear to agree with this, but she also didn't defend herself. She instead said nothing.

"Well done, you have just undermined a Guardian." Jameson smiled at me. And I saw pride in it.

My enemies have messed with the wrong person. Our trio is a force to be reckoned with.

Though I'm not all too sure of where I stand with either of my teammates.


She returns

Omg have y'all watched Return to Oz it's like a sequel to the Wizard of Oz even though the actress for Dorothy is younger ??

Anyway it's good


What are we up to now

Like last Wednesdays chapter ??

God knows

If so I've only got last Fridays and tomorrow's to cover

Then we guuuuuuud



Next update: maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe in 2026


Tempers rise when our favourite trio take an outing.

But most of all, our sixty-fifth chapter entails banter, shipping and humour.

The usual.

Hollows In Time (✔️) | 'Hollows' Book Ⅱजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें