"We should leave her to rest." He suggests. Glancing at the clock and it's 10pm. S.hit, this day went by fast. We all ask Liam if we could stay the night and he says that it's fine.

I don't want to leave her side at this point.

Niall's POV

It's been two hours since Claire has been unconscious, and I'm scared for her, we've just started to grow our friendship.

It's twelve in the morning right now and I'm pretty tired. Everyone else is asleep except me and Zayn. We're both sitting on the small couch, waiting for her to wake up. Liam was the last one to fall asleep, he tried to keep awake but he collapsed on the floor, and we don't want to bother him.

Claire starts moving as I rush over to her and hold her hand.

"Please wake up, please. I won't hurt you anymore, I won't cause you pain. Please." I beg to her. My hand is shaking for her to wake. Her eyes open, her dark brown eyes scanning the room. She finally locks eyes with me.

"Morning Claire," I smile at her. She lazily smiles back at me, her hand gently squeezing mine as Zayn wakes the rest of the boys them up, except for Harry because refuses to get up so he just leaves him to sleep. The boys all surround me and her.

"Hi guys." Her voice cracks as she looks around at us, rubbing her eyes as she notices the bandages on her wrist.

"I did it again?" She asks. We all shake out heads and she just stares at me.

"It's an addiction, you know?" She speaks, we all look at her in confusion. "I tried to stop, Liam helped me out." We all look at Liam as he sheepishly smiles.

"You must think I'm crazy." A tear slides down her cheek, "You guys think I'm crazy." She whispers as she lifts her body up from the couch, but her body is to weak as she falls back down.

"Don't," I tell her, "I don't think your crazy."

"Where's Harry?" Her voice coming back a little.

"He's sleeping, he doesn't want to wake up." I tell her, she closes her eyes and smiles.

"You should get some rest, I'll see you in the morning." I kiss her forehead. I grab a blanket and pull it over her body.

"I call the couch!" I whisper-yell and run to the small couch, falling on it. I hear them groan in response and they lie down on the floor.

"Night guys," I tell them. I hear 'goodnights' coming from them, I start to drift off to sleep.


Harry's POV

I'm the first person to wake up as I head to the kitchen to make some tea. When I'm finished making the tea, I sit at the table as Claire walks in, not noticing me as she goes to the fridge and takes a bottle of water. She turns around and looks at me with a blank expression on her face as she heads back out with out a sound.

Yeah, it freaked me out when she cut last night, I didn't know what to do. There was so much blood on her wrist and the floor, I started to get light headed. I have to admit though, she did make some points in our argument yesterday. It's just fun you know, how I can make her angry with just a couple of words. She so innocent when she talks to me.

After I finish my tea, I put the cup in the sink and head into the living room. Everyone is awake when I sit down as Liam walks downstairs and sits next to Claire with Zayn siting on the other side of her. Checking my phone, I see that it's 3:30pm.

S.hit did we really sleep that long?

"Any movie suggestions?" Liam asks us.

"The Conjuring!" Niall shouts out, we all shake our heads in agreement as Liam plays the movie on Netflix.

Claire's POV

Dammit Niall, why'd you have to choose a scary movie. I hate scary movies so much.

Liam turns off the lights and it's darker, s.hit I'm going to cry.

The first jump scare appears and I jump, leaning towards Zayn by accident.

"Sorry," I apologize to him. He chuckles and focuses on the Tv.

I try to watch the movie but it's too scary, a face pops up on the screen and I bury my head into his chest. I can feel Zayn's chest vibrate when he laughs at me again as I take in his smell of cologne from him, and it instantly calms me down.

I feel safer when I'm around him, I don't know why, but I do. He wraps his arm around me as I snuggle towards him. I sit through the movie, burying my head into his chest once in a while.

The movie is finally over as Liam turns back on the lights. Zayn is asleep when I look up at him, I carefully slide away from him and rub my eyes. It's 6pm right now, s.hit there's school tomorrow.

"Hey guys I have to go," I tell them as I put my shoes on.

"It's spring break." Louis mentions to me.

Is it really spring break? I put my shoes on for nothing then. I kick my shoes back off and sit on the couch next to Zayn.

"Zayn wake up," I whisper to him, poking his cheek as his eyes open slowly.

"What are you doing?" He sleepily says.

"Waking you up." I poke his cheek again as he laughs as I get up. He sits up a little and rubs his eyes as he looks at his phone, standing up.

"I have to go guys." He says. I walk over to the door with him and he hugs me. "Bye."

"Bye," I smile as he closes the door as I walk back to the couch. Niall sits next to me and swings his legs over my lap. "Niall what are you doing?" I try to move his legs.

"Getting comfortable." He explains to me. I give up moving his legs and sit back, giggling.

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