Chapter 7

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Claire's POV

As soon as I open my eyes to meet sunlight, I realize what day it is.


Sunday. Which means, my last day of freedom, my last day of happiness.

Can I just stay in bed the whole day? Actually, I can. Nah, I'm just gonna watch Tv the whole day.

Getting out of bed, I walk into the bathroom and take in my appearance. The hem of Liam's shirt reaches to the middle of my thighs, the ends of my shorts almost showing. Looking at my scars--the ones that I made on Friday--they were starting to fade, blending in with the others.

I quickly take a shower and change into the most comfortable clothes I can find, my trusty grey sweats and my black sweater that says 'cool' in white bold letters. Putting my hair in a braid, I look at myself once more before heading out.

Walking downstairs, I make myself scrambled eggs and walk to the couch. Turning on my Tv, I look for something to watch, frowning that I can't find anything. Gosh, these stupid infomercials are so annoying. When I couldn't find anything, I connect Netflix to the Tv and watch Family Guy.

After finishing my breakfast I glance at the clock seeing that it was 11:00am it reads as I groan. Why do Sundays go by so slow?

Sundays suck.

Putting my plate in the sink, I head over to the freezer and take my ice cream out.

And yes, I said my ice cream because no one eats my ice cream.

After grabbing a spoon and sitting back on the couch, I begin to watch Teen Wolf while downing myself in ice cream.

Liam's POV

Why did I agree on coming with Harry? Don't get me wrong, Harry's my friend and all, but he seems too caught up is stuff, especially bullying Claire.

I usually leave my house at 11:30am and arrive at the park at 12:00, but today I feel a but lazy. The park is only a block away, but I like to take in the scenery as I walk.

I finally make my way to the park, and immediately spot the boys on the field.

"It takes you that long to walk here? You only live a block away." Niall says, annoyed at the fact that I'm late.

"I like to walk slow on the weekends, it's not like you have somewhere to be." I sass back, laughing right after.

I just don't want to be here, I want to hang out with Claire.

"Whatever." He huffs out, rolling his eyes at me.

"Okay," Louis snaps us out of our little argument, "let's pick our teams." He says cheerfully.

"I call being on Louis team." I call out first.

"That's not fair." Zayn says, crossing his arms as he pouts.

"How?" I question, quirking an eyebrow at him.

"You know if you're on Louis team, you win automatically. He's a pro." He says, gesturing to Louis.

"Not my fault I'm too good." Louis says, smirking.

"Let's just play." I say, chucking at Louis' cockiness.

All of them mumble 'yeah' and 'whatever's' as they walk to the middle of the field, beginning the game.


"Yes!" I scream loudly as I watch the ball go into the goal, scoring the last shot, winning the game.

Niall is on my team as we versed Zayn and Harry. Louis on the other hand was referee, because we argued too much about how his team would be an automatic win.

Zayn and Harry now have frowns on their faces, and honestly they look hilarious. Me and Niall begin laughing at how funny their faces look as we collapsed on the grass, rolling around.

"Guys I have to go," Harry says, putting his phone back in his jeans.

"Well that's my que too." I say, getting up as I brush the grass of of me. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." I begin walking back home, thinking about hanging out with Claire.

A bunch of mumbled 'byes' got softer as I walk toward my house. I should visit Claire's house.

Claire's POV

Finishing the last episode of Teen Wolf, I hear a knock at my door, causing me to furrow my eyebrows.

It's about 4pm, and no one really visits me. Wonder who that could be?

Walking over to the door, I open it, revealing Liam, standing there with a white shirt, blue skinny jeans, and black converse. He has a bright smile on his face when his eyes meets mine.

"Hey," Liam says cheerfully, grinning ear to ear.

"Hi," I reply back, smiling at his smile.

"Mind if I come inside?" He asks me being the polite one as always.

"Of course." I shake my head at my lack of manners. Liam takes a look at each sides of the roads before coming inside my flat.

What's that about?

I brush it off as Liam walks in, plopping down on my couch, observing his surroundings.

"Nice flat you have here." He compliments, looking around.

"Thanks," I blush instantly.

I totally forget that I'm wearing as my eyes widen.

"Oh gosh." I whisper, closing my eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asks, concerned.

"I'm wearing sweats in front of you." I whisper again, feeling the heat on my cheeks as I blush again. No one has ever saw me in sweats before, until now.

"It's fine Claire, I didn't even notice." He laughs at me.

"Oh," I realize that Liam doesn't really judge me, "okay."

"So, what do you want to talk about?" He asks, facing me.

"Honestly, school." A frustrated sigh leaves my lips as I lean back into the couch.

"Okay," he nods, waiting for me to continue. A shaky breath leaves my lips as I begin talking.

"I'm so tired of getting beaten by them, the constant bruise marks, the names they call me, I don't know if I can make it through this week." I admit, feeling a slight weight off my shoulders. I watch as Liam turns to face me, a sympathetic expression on his face.

"I'll try to talk Harry out of beating you tomorrow, maybe the whole week." He says with a small smile.

"Thank you," I whisper, hugging him tightly.

"You've been hugging me a lot lately." Liam says, laughing breathlessly.

"Yeah because you're my friend." I calmly say but cover my mouth as soon as I realize what I said.

"Umm-I-" I try to get words out, but nothing.

"You think of me as a friend?" Liam asks, a bit shocked.

"Yeah, I do." I admit, blushing for the third time tonight. "You want to help me, I told you things I don't tell anyone. You're my friend." I start smiling as he starts to smile along with me.

"Aw," he coos as I throw a pillow at him to stop him.

"Hey," he groans, fixing his hair.

We both glance at the clock, seeing that it's 9pm.

"Well, I gotta go home." He pouts and standing up.

"See you tomorrow," I tell him, watching him walk to the door.

"You too." He closes the door as I just sit here for a few minutes before getting up.

Walking upstairs, I brush my teeth, and change into a long sleeve shirt with my pajama bottoms, feeling that it's cold tonight. Laying my head on the pillow, I drift off to sleep while thinking about tomorrow.

Those Five Boys {EDITING ATM}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora