Chapter 1: Looking Through Bars

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Ten years passed, she was now sixteen, no longer that small and scrawny girl that witnessed the passing of her guardian. She was strong, she would fight, and she would break free of this cage.

Twirling that one strand of silver hair she curses under her breath, her back leaning on the cold metal bars. She looks up at the ceiling, the ceiling fan spinning around. For so long she spent her life in this cage, and as every day passes it would feel tighter and tighter.

"Number 72!" One of the guards yell, jolting up she glares at the bald man.

"Yeah, yeah," she mutters through gritted teeth. Giving the man a glare, she returns to her job, smiling she stares down at the spoon. Yes, a spoon, one which White stole an hour back when it was lunch. White was a desperate teen, she tried everything she could everyday, coming up with the craziest of plans.

Her fingers wrap around the metal object, using the chain on her left leg, she tries to bend the spoon. Her grey eyes dart over to the white clock that hung above the guard. 1:27. Sighing, she drops the spoon, slipping it on a crack on the wall, her cage proportinally placed next to the grey wall.

The bald man stands up, his boots stomping on the ground, making a funny squishing sound in each step. Looking down at her, he flashes his yellowing teeth at her. Unlocking the cage, he lets her out. Grabbing her on the arm, the man glares at White for moment before shoving her to the side. Regaining her balance as she follows the guard from behind.

The thirty year old man opens the door, not bothering to open it for her. The metal door slamming shut in front of her face, White growls in frustration. Pushing it open, she saunters over to the chair in the middle of the room, already memorized the process. Scanning the dark room, with only one lightbulb above the chair she sat on.

"Welcome 72," one of the scientists says, giving her a cold smile as usual.

She nods at him, not daring to look into his eyes. One of the other scientists, a girl with bright blonde hair was holding a plastic clipboard, it holding a load of printed on paper. Looking at the two scientists, White was baffled that they only sent two for her.

"So, what're you guys gonna do to me today?" She asks cooly, her hands on her lap. She was expected to behave this way, one wrong move and she'd never see the end of it.

The man with brown hair smiles at her, putting on his white gloves. He glares at the bald guard, a signal that he can go now. Watching the guard step out of the room, he turns back to White. "Well for today it would just be the usual, testing of the white blood cells, seeing how good your platelets are and to see if you can fight this virus." He shows her a syringe full of purple liquid. He smiles. "But anyways, you never seem to fail us Number 72."

The blonde behind him nods in agreement. "Yes," she mutters. "Never fails."

White looks at him, a frown on her face. "If it was that simple then you shoud've tested on the others, like Number 54 or Number 12." She snaps, pointing out the people that irritated her the most in their batch of 100.

The two scientists laugh, their laughter booming through the room. "We'd want to test it on one of the best, duh." Says the blonde girl, sneering at her.

Rolling her eyes she sighs in disappointment, sad that she didn't convince them to change their minds. It's always been like this, every time they called her in was to basically get tested on something. On anything ranging from injuries, viruses, mind games ( although those she enjoyed ) and even to suicide attempts, and she survived them all.

White knew that she's been through a lot, but these people still never seemed to let her go. She still remembered the time when she escaped, she was five and she felt so free, now she was back here, and security was harder and stronger then before. She even thought that people would stop calling her 72, but that was an understatement, even though she renamed herself they cease to even awknowledge that.

The female scientist walks towards her, the syringe in hand, grabbing White's arm, she injects it in. The purple fluid all getting injected into her. She flinches slightly, staring down at the white tiled floor, sighing.

"Done!" The girl yips, yanking the empty syringe out of her skin. She gives her a fake smile before sauntering over to the stainless steel counter and washing the object.

The other scientist keeping quiet, watching her, observing.

White flinches, feeling the virus kick in. She knew very well about these experiments, it's whether you live or you die, she simply didn't know what for. White also knew very well that some of her friends never even see tomorrow because of these, they sap the life out of you if you weren't strong enough.

"Yes," the man whispers to himself. "Yes,"

She glares at him, standing up, her hands balled up into a fist, a burst of energy ignitting. "Yargh!" She yells, the pain searing through.

"No!" The man yells, reaching out for White, grabbing her arm before she falls to the cold ground. "72!" He exclaims, looking down at her with wide eyes, shocked that she fell, that she wasn't strong enough. He glares at his blonde partner. "Lisa, call boss."

The girl nods, dashing out through the metal doors, leaving the two spawled on the floor.


Yay! Update :) hope y'all like it!

And, that song there * points to song * Human by Cristina Perri, shows how White feels like her whole  life. She is not superman ( woman ) just human, she has her limits. So to me the song represents her.

And special thanks to @veronica0098 for making the banner over to the right ------> I know it's squished, just drag to anotehr tab to see it in full view.

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