"What proposition?"

"Ah, that I will not tell you until I explained why Nonou attacked you," Orochimaru says calmly oblivious- or just ignoring that heated glare that both of the children were sending his way.

"Just hurry up and tell us then," Kabuto growls, clutching the kunai knife that he held in his hand closer to himself.

"Patience young one, patience," Kabuto growls and Nao watches Kabuto in confusion- usually out of the two of them Kabuto was the calm one and Nao was the one to always jump straight into battle no questions asked, "you know how the great third shinobi war has ended- and with that so has the need of spies, unlike normal shinobi spies cannot just take other missions- normal missions per say, they have been trained to be stealthy and have become unreliable- the village fears that the spies will soon turn their backs against them, or worse stab them in the back. So what better way is there to solve this little problem than to eliminate the threats?"

Both Kabuto and Nao doesn't respond, not believing in what the Sannin was telling them. How could Konoha just turn their backs on them and betray them? No one would be that cold hearted right!? Not after how hard both Nao and Kabuto had worked for the safety of the village... but then again- they live in the world of ninja's...

"... so... what is your proposition?" Kabuto asks- him being the first one to recover from hearing the news. Nao was still lost in thought, nervously biting her fingers- a nasty habit that she caught from the orphanage.

"Ohh? So you recovered already!?" Orochimaru asks feigning surprise. Kabuto doesn't respond just glsring at him.

"Just get on with it already!" Nao says, snapping out of her reverie.

"Tut tut tut, it looks like someone is not really a patient one... it reminds me of someone, but that someone wouldn't tell me what I wanted, so I naturally killed her," Orochimaru says with a slightly sadistic grin and gleam in his eyes.

"Naturally," Kabuto mutters under his breath.

"Well anyway," Orochimaru continues, ignoring what Kabuto had muttered under his breath - but that didn't mean he didn't hear it, "the proposition I have for you two is..."

Nao and Kabuto lean forward clearly curious to what he was going to tell them, "I would like you two to join my forces." Both children sit back down slightly disappointed.

"What!? Is joining my side that much if a disappointment?" Orochimaru asks feigning surprise, "I assure you I could grant you both more power than you could ever imagine," he promises,  Kabuto and Nao both exchange looks of uncertainty and curiosity.

"May I ask why us?" Nao asks curiously, "I am flattered that out of everyone in the shinobi world you pick us.... but why? It's not like we are anything special or something. No offense Kabuto... but... but why?"

"Calm down Imouto, calm down," Kabuto says laying a hand on Nao's shoulder.

"To be at your age and be able to control your chakra, let me just say that is amazing, it may even be better than the legendary Tsunade when she was your age," Orochimaru says.

"So that is the only reason?" Orochimaru gives a simple nod to answer Nao's question. The young girl studies him for awhile and she looks at Kabuto for help. The boy gives his imouto a curt nod in approval.

"Okay, we will help you with whatever cause- but if either of us are hurt then you should be certain the other will hurt you. We work as a team- we will always work as a team," Nao says giving Orochimaru one last glare, "but other than that, it's nice to finally see you again Orochimaru-sensei."

"Sensei?" Kabuto questions, looking at Nao weirdly- he completely agreed with what Nao had said about the teamwork deal, it was true- Kabuto and Nao are always a team.

"What's wrong with calling him sensei, Kabuto-nii?" Nao asks innocently, looking up at him with her silverly black eyes.


I think that is long enough for a chapter... but using my phone to write this blows everything out of proportion and makes this seem way longer than it really is... so I apologize if it is too short....




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