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Zach 🏀
Alexa told me what you did
to her you fucking asshole

Bryce 🔫
Oh please she was practically
begging me to fuck her

Zach 🏀
You're sick Bryce you raped her

Bryce 🔫
I didn't rape her she wanted me
sorry to break it to you but she didn't
want you when she was screaming my name

Zach 🏀
Fuck you 🖕🏻
read 10:05 pm

(Conversation with Zach)

Zach 😘
I can't let him get away with this babe

Alexa ❤️
you have to you promised

Zach 😘
I can't keep this promise Alexa
he has to pay for what he did

Alexa ❤️
I told Tony he said he would take
care of it for you I just don't want
anything to happen to you Zach

Zach 😘
I love you you know that right?

Alexa ❤️
yes I love you too
read 10:35 pm

(Conversation with Tony)

Tony 🚘
I took care of it Bryce is rotting
in prison

Alexa 👑
What'd you do?

Tony 🚘
That doesn't matter right now
the point is he's gone

Alexa 👑
Thank you Tony for everything

Tony 🚘
You know I'd do anything for you
you're one of my best friends

Alexa 👑
Ik ily T 💗

Tony 🚘
ilyt A 💖
read 3:10 pm

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