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Zach 🖕🏼
Look I know you hate
me but please just
listen to me it's been
4 weeks and I miss her

Hannah 💘
what do you want
you really hurt my
sister you know

Zach 🖕🏼
I know and if I could
take it all back I would
I made a mistake and she
won't answer me please
Hannah please let me try
and fix this

Hannah 💘
explain to me why you
did what you did and
maybe I'll try and
help you

Zach 🖕🏼
She kissed me I was
pushing her away and I told
that girl to fuck off but she
wouldn't she said she would
ruin Alexa and I couldn't
let that happen please believe me

Hannah 💘
you really love her
don't you?

Zach 🖕🏼
So much Hannah
please I just want her

Hannah 💘
ok I'll help you

Zach 🖕🏼
Thank you so much
meet me at Monet's in
10 I have a plan

Hannah 💘
on my way
read 4:12 pm

(Conversation with Olivia)

Alexa 💋
do you know
where Hannah is?
she's not answering her
phone and I'm starting
to worry is she with you?

Olivia 🥂
no maybe she's with Clay?

Alexa 💋
no he's helping Jeff
with history Hannah
hates interrupting them

Olivia 🥂
oh well idk lex do
you want me to come
over? we could try to
find her

Alexa 💋
no that's ok thanks
tho I kinda just want
to be left alone

Olivia 🥂
ok well let me know
if you need anything

Alexa 💋
actually maybe I
just need a girls night
come over

Olivia 🥂
ok on my way !!
read 4:30 pm

oliviabarnes my favorite human 💘pc: jessicadavisTAGGED ALEXABAKERS 4

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oliviabarnes my favorite human 💘
pc: jessicadavis
4.1k likes // 270 comments

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alexabakers I LOVE YOU ❤️
oliviabarnes I love you too alexabakers

jessicadavis babes 😍

alexstandall QUEENS 😍

hannahbaker favsssss 😍
alexabakers BITCH WHERE ARE YOU MOMS WORRIED hannahbaker
hannahbaker I'm at Monet's alexabakers
alexabakers I'm coming with Olivia hannahbaker
hannahbaker NO DON'T alexabakers
oliviabarnes why? hannahbaker

zachdempsey 😍

brycewalker damn hmu 👅💦
justinfoley leave my friends alone brycewalker
brycewalker what if I don't want to? justinfoley
justinfoley then I'll beat your ass brycewalker
montgomery ^I'll help brycewalker

sheri 😍😍

jeffatkins aww she's smiling 😍
oliviabarnes finally it took awhile jeffatkins

clayjensen ^Hannah looked like she was acting weird
tonyp you're always pointing things out about her clayjensen
clayjensen fuck you tonyp
oliviabarnes ikr weirdddd clayjensen

courtneycrimson how come I wasn't invited? 😔
ryanshaver because no one likes you god you're so annoying courtneycrimson
courtneycrimson stop being so mean to me!! ryanshaver
ryanshaver not until you come out courtneycrimson
alexabakers ^OMF

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