THE START-aka the somewhat essential filler

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blah blah blah, don't read if you are sensitive to language. Or can't take a joke. Or um don't want to read sexual stupid stuff, that isn't in this chapter but still, I don't want to repeat myself. This is extremely redundant; have fun.


      It was yet another day in Gravity Falls; Gruncle Stan was making big bucks out of the many gullible tourists, my sister, Mabel, was out frolicking in the woods with Waddles, and so forth. As for me, well, I stayed in my room. My eyes were once again  skimming "the Journal" for what seemed to be the hundredth time. My eyes stopped to the page where a triangle shaped creature, no a legit triangle, was imprinted in the middle. I sneered at the page with utter disgust, but a slight bit of lust was in me, which can be blamed for my awkward pubescent stage of life, and totally not because of foreshadowing. I was snapped out of my thoughts rudely by Soos bursting through my door. I quickly chucked the journal underneath my desk.

           "Hey, um, Dipper, I just wanted to tell you that Wendy, Stan and I are going out conveniently for whole 2 days. Oh, and even more conveniently, Mabel is staying over at Grenda's house for 3 days! Yeah, and we are trusting you, a 13 year old or so  boy, with the Mystery Shack for 2 whole days, in this extremely messed up town, because that is totally reasonable. Um...yep that's it, bye."Soos slammed my door shut, and I heard the door of the Mystery Shack slam shut shortly after. I stared at my door for 5 minutes, flabbergasted, then shrugged, just my daily life, nothing special. Suddenly, I realized I could binge the last couple episodes of "the show that totally isn't Riverdale because I am trying to bee original not really" by myself without disturbance. I ran to the computer and started the binge, while quickly grabbing a family size bag of chips. A couple of hours later I realized it was starting to get late, so I got ready for bed. Whilst brushing my teeth, I saw a small random piece of glass that broke off into a triangle, because that is how glass works. My thoughts went to Bill and I started thinking of all the ways I could defeat him. Then I remembered the journal still waiting under my desk, I quickly rinsed and flossed my teeth, cause I value my HYGEINIC habits, my mind still on Bill. Stupid Bill...always ruining my summer, with his 180 degrees of sexiness...wait...WHAT! I spit my rinse out and slammed the bathroom door, by now I was infuriated with my thoughts.

           "STUPID DAMN TRIANGLE FREAK! I HATE HIM! I HATE HIM!" I have no idea where this anger came from, but I rolled with it, I mean I need to release my anger out sometimes.

          "WHAT I WOULD GIVE TO MAKE HIM COMPLETELY POWERLESS FOR ONE HOUR!" I stooped down to pick up the journal which was shoved under my desk.

          "ONE HOUR TO PAY THAT DOUCHE BACK FOR EVERYTHING HE HAS EVER DONE TO ME!" My fingers finally caught hold of the journal, and I yanked it out and stood up.

          "One hour?"

      "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk" I clasped my hands protectively over the journal and struck an extremely "manly" pose.

       Bill stood there in all of his yellow, shining glory, and I think I literally just had a heart attack...and oh no, he's here FUCK.

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