the alternative of the trail.

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the alternate trail almost happen similiarly like this but with certain change to it the zircon retreated to her gems and that blue was in control of her emotion watching the reaction of yellow diamond and her gems.


the alternate of the trail

instead of a trail blue diamond toke Steven in. she know well that she cannot punish him for what he or rose had not done.

yellow however wanted him dead since she falsely accuse rose for pink diamond death but Blue knows the terrible truth of her color and had made preparation just in case.

she indeed put Steven on trail just to buy time for her and her gems to leave home world with a choice made clear to her.

when zircon made a statement that it was one of the diamond was to blame for pink demise, yellow diamond about to poof zircon to her gem but blue interfere as she delivers a punch while summoning a gauntlet.

thus the impossible had happen treachery at it finest, yellow was then retreated to her gem.

Blue diamond then grab Steven and Lars and her gems then escape the plan was set to action as she warp to her ship with a small group of gems it was enough time for them to escape to earth with no tracking device what so ever and not followed.

traveling in through light speed in space Steven got the nerve to question. "why you help us?" thus blue diamond answer him "because i now know the truth and will never side with them again Steven."

his name got him off guard. "you know my name?" Steven asked. "yes and i know of that you are a offspring of Rose, a sapphire had told me of your adventure, and the truth of pink diamond demise."

zircon was surprise to hear such a thing. "zircon you are right it was a diamond mainly yellow diamond but we can no longer go back anymore." blue diamond said.

"we be heading toward earth, i toke out the all the tracking peaces and put in other ships they will be in a wild chase." blue diamond said

eventually they made it to earth blue diamond and her gems, as blue diamond came the the crystal temple in her palanquin that is surrounded by her quarts guard. her sapphires are surrounded by rubies as the humans see every ship that came.

amethyst and pearl came to the palanquin but garnet was frozen in fear. as blue diamond came out with Steven in her shoulder as Steven as he wave hi to his family.

Lars then Walk out follow by the off color gems as his parents run toward him to a hugging embrace.

blue diamond give an open hand toward Steven to stand on and place him on the floor as Steven's father, Connie and two of the crystal gem hugged him with tears of joy.

suddenly a strange feeling was felt between blue diamond for steven she know that she was fascinated with Steven but it was strange as her gem glow.

she felt she want to know him more. this emotion is unconditional for her but she had to find out what it is.

"my gems we cant go back to home world anymore since my action and i am deeply sorry, the crimes i committed through being deceive by yellow and white Diamond is unforgivable, i wish to right the wrong i did to my gems and to earth, there will be no more shattering anymore, i choose earth to be my home, to be a crystal gem."

when they heard Blue diamonds word they were shock but not as much as garnet. this will lead to something new as her gems begin to choose a path they respected blue diamond and will follow her to the end. "its your life my gems you do as you wish."

when blue diamond gave these words they felt a bit of freedom and yet all they know is to do as she commanded.

this will be yet a interesting experience for them.

diamond love(alternate universe of season five.)discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now