To stay optimistic, I was telling myself that it wasn't totally broken. If Lillian was here, she could fix it. I just have to think like Lillian. Except, I don't typically tinker with stuff like she does. I knew that I needed to remain optimistic and have hope. I'll figure it out eventually.

I drove back into town and went into a Dairy Queen bathroom to wash the dirt out of my fingernails and my clothes. I didn't want to be questioned why I was covered in dirt. Running out the door I heard a Soc shout "grease!" at a lone Greaser trying to enjoy his ice cream cone in peace. No fight broke though.

It was still early so I drove all the way to the mall to get more clothes. I like to shop when I'm frustrated. Besides, I'm going to be here a lot longer than I initially thought.

I got back to the Curtis house with all of my new stuff shoved into one bag. I try to sneak them in because I don't want the guys to mock me for it. I know I should be saving money, but at least now I have the wardrobe of a normal person here. It is one less thing I need to worry about.

I twisted the knob to the front door and used my shoulder to push it open. I could hear the nearly unintelligible raspy voice of the ill-tempered Donald Duck that came from the television, with Two-Bit sitting on the floor with an entire chocolate cake balancing on his thighs on a plate and a beer in his hand.

"Where the hell have you been?" He asked while he rubbed the back of his wrist against his chocolatey lips

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"Where the hell have you been?" He asked while he rubbed the back of his wrist against his chocolatey lips. He had some crumbs on his blue Mickey Mouse shirt that looked like he cut the sleeves off of.

A typical outfit for the gang are loose cotton twill trousers or dark jeans, brown or black engineer boots or converse sneakers, dark button-ups with rolled up sleeves, tight t-shirts, and sometimes suspenders. Two-Bit is the only one who wears a shirt with a Mickey Mouse graphic.

"Where have I been?" I asked as I kicked my shoes off. Why did he care?

"That's what I said." He took a swig of his beer.

"Who are you? My dad?" I joked as I headed into the room I stole from Soda. I tossed my bag in there and shut the door.

I came back out to the living room as Two asked, "what's for dinner?"

"How should I know? I just got home!" I replied back. I took a look at the clock and saw it was nearly five o'clock, Darry would be home from work soon. "Why don't you make it?"

"I can't make nothin' good," he said.

I audibly groaned but then thought for a second. I could make dinner, or at least get dinner so Darry didn't have to worry about it when he got home. A pizza sounded really good. I ran into the kitchen and looked through the pantry, the fridge, and some cabinets to try to find anything that sounded better than pizza. I found nothing, so I found the phone book to try to find a pizza parlor to order from. I miss Google.

Two called out to me, "Sodie and Stevie are workin' so we was thinkin' 'bout headin' over there. Wanna come?"

"Sure." I grinned excitedly. I loved spending time with the gang when it was all of us, or at least most of us. It felt like Darry was always left out, but he didn't have the time. Even I really only see him in the mornings and at night.

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