S02 E26/27 Deterioration of the Fight or Flight Response/Losing My Religion

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Deterioration of the Fight or Flight Response/Losing My Religion


Meredith: Human beings need a lot of things to feel alive.

George: Family...

Cristina: Love...

Izzie: Sex.

Derek: But we only need one thing...

Burke: To actually be alive.

Cristina: We need a beating heart.

Addison: When our heart is threatened...

Alex: We respond in one of two ways.

George: We either run...

Derek: Or...

Izzie: We attack.

Webber: There's a scientific term for this

Alex: Fight...

Addison: Or flight.

Bailey: It's instinct...

Meredith: We can't control it.

Izzie: Or can we?

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