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Pizzaboy created a group

Pizzaboy added Suggy, Cinnamonbun, Pinkpug, Alfonzo, Rainbowsprinkles, Tallbean and Butbut to the group

Pizzaboy renamed the group to 'PinapplesAreCool'

Suggy came online

Rainbowsprinkles came online

Suggy: Really, that's what you called this group!?

Pizzaboy: Sorry, I couldn't think of anything creative!

Pinkpug came online

Alfonzo came online

Pinkpug: who are half the people in this group?

Alfonzo: everyone say there name and age!

Cinnamonbun came online

Cinnamonbun: my mum said not to talk to strangers!

Tallbean came online

Tallbean: but your mum also said that meeting new friends is a good thing!

Rainbowsprinkles: Hi, I'm Louise and I'm 32

Tallbean: I'm Dan and I'm 25

Butbut: I'm Marcus, I'm also 25

Pinkpug: Hello I'm Zoe and I'm 27

Cinnamonbun: I'm Phil and I'm 30

Suggy: Joe and I'm 25 as well!

Pizzaboy: Caspar Lee and I'm 23

Alfonzo: Hi I'm Alfie and I'm 23

Tallbean: There's quite a lot of people in here!

Butbut: Me and Alf were once in a group with like 30 people!

Alfonzo: we knew none of them!

Pizzaboy: But we all have something in common here

Suggy: what, that we all know you!?

Pizzaboy: not just that

Pinkpug: that we are humans?

Tallbean: speak for yourself!

Pizzaboy: no! that were all gay!

Cinnamonbun: really!?

Rainbowsprinkles: that's cool

Butbut: are you guys all in relationships

Alfonzo: I am!

Tallbean: I am too

Pinkpug: Me three

Pizzaboy: guys, everyone in this group is going out with someone else in the group!

Butbut: That explains a lot!

Cinnamonbun: send pictures of yourself with your date!

Tallbean: says the one who was worried about saying there name and age!

Rainbowsprinkles: I'm cool with that!

Suggy: it would help us get to know each other a bit more!

Alfonzo: ok

Tallbean: come on Phil get out of your room!

Alfonzo sent a picture:

Alfonzo: that's me on the left and Marcus on the right

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Alfonzo: that's me on the left and Marcus on the right

Cinnamonbun sent a photo:

Tallbean: Phil spent way to long looking for those cat ears!

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Tallbean: Phil spent way to long looking for those cat ears!

Cinnamonbun: me in green and Dan in white!

Pinkpug sent a photo:

Rainbowsprinkles: I'm at the back with blond hair, Zoe at the front with brown hair

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Rainbowsprinkles: I'm at the back with blond hair, Zoe at the front with brown hair

Pinkpug: you look really cute in that photo I might make it my phone background

Rainbowsprinkles: can you send it to me so I can do the same because you look adorable in it!

Alfonzo: keep it chill guys!

Pizzaboy sent a photo:

Pizzaboy: you guys already know who I am so Joe is the other one

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Pizzaboy: you guys already know who I am so Joe is the other one

Suggy: other one!?

Pizzaboy: sorry Joey, I love you really! x

Suggy: love you too Pizzaboy! x

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