A movie night turns into an emergency dentist visit! 😱

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Amber's POV
Tonight my brothers Harry,Liam, and Niall were coming to my place for a family movie night. Harry is my twin brother and Liam and Niall are our older brothers. Our parents died in a car crash 3 years after me and Harry were born so Liam and Niall have been taking care of us. None us are dating anybody so that's good because if we were then we wouldn't be able to have movie nights. The doorbell rang and I got off of the couch to answer it. When I opened the door it reveled Harry. "Hey twin Bro!" I say to him." Harry is the only one who knocks or rings the doorbell. "Hey twin sis!" Harry says back. "Come in." I say stepping aside. Just then Liam and Niall came. "Hey guys!" I say to them as the come in. "Hey sis, hey bro!" They say. "Hey!" Harry says to them as they walk into the living room. Me and Harry love our brothers but he hates their job ever since of what happened when
we were 7. Liam and Niall own their own clinic because they are dentists and I'm in training. "Ok guys pick a movie I'm gonna go make some popcorn." I say. "Amber!" Harry calls. "What?" "Don't forget drinks." "I won't, thanks for reminding me." I say chuckling. Harry's the sensitive one and I'm the one who doesn't care what people say, I only care if it's something about my brothers. The only times I cry is when something happens to my brothers but mostly Harry since he's my twin brother. I was putting popcorn in the microwave when Harry came up to me and whispered something in my ear. "What?" "My mouth hurts again." He whispers again. "Oh I'm sorry." "Please don't tell them." "Well then your going to have to act normal." "I'll try." I nod. He then goes back into the living room. *After everything was made* After everything was made I asked one of them to help and sure enough it was Harry. "I'll grab the drinks." He said whimpering softly. I nodded and he went back to get the drinks. I watched as Harry slips over my foot and bangs his mouth on the counter. "Oh FUCK!" He screams. I'm surprised he said the f word he never curses. I rush over to him and I put the bags on the counter and I kneel down to him. His mouth was bleeding and as soon as I was ready to say something Niall and Liam rush over. "Harry are you-" They stopped themselves as soon as they saw the blood. "Haz we're gonna have to bring you to the clinic." Liam says. Harry shakes his head. "Hazza I'll be next you the whole time. He still shakes his head. "Harry." Niall says a bit stern. I go to grab paper towels to stop the bleeding. "Here take these." I say to Harry handing him the paper towels. Liam nods to Niall, and goes out into their car. In three minutes Liam comes in with a box. "What's that?" I ask. "It's a dental box." I nod while Harry shakes his head. Liam hands me about 5 gauze pads to hand to Harry. I hand them to Harry but he shakes his head. Niall and Liam come over to us and they pick Harry up. "W-What A-A-Are you d-d-doing? Harry shutters. "We're bringing you to the clinic." Niall and Liam both say at the same time. "Amber grab a water bottle for Harry!" Liam calls out to me while I was in the kitchen cleaning up all of the blood. I finished and I grabbed four water bottles for all of us. I got outside and saw Liam's car so I rush to the car and I get in. I give them the water bottles and Liam puts Harry's legs on my lap. "Thanks!" The all say expect for Harry. "Harry have some water." Liam says to Harry. Harry nods and takes it. He drinks it and more blood pours out. Liam caught the blood with a paper towel and started wiping Harry's mouth. "Open." Liam says. Harry shakes his head and starts crying." "Haz please open your mouth, Liam just wants to make you better." He nods and opens his mouth. "Thanks Haz!" Liam's says. Liam takes out a gauze pad and puts it inside of Harry's mouth. He then grabs another one and does the same thing. Once Liam was done, we were in the parking lot of their clinic. Liam hands me the keys to unlock the clinic and to turn the light on. I get out of the car and I head towards the door. I got to the front door and here came Niall and Liam with Harry whimpering in their arms. I unlock the door and I turn the lights on. I step aside to let them go through with Harry. I close the door once they get in and I follow them back into a room. They place Harry down in the chair and they start getting tools. "Guys I'm fine." "No your not." "YES I AM!" Harry screams, whimpering. "Haz from what I saw you did do some damage." Harry sighs and nods. "Liam?" Harry says. "Yea?" Liam says putting gloves on. "Please don't freak out on me but I been having pain in my mouth for the past month." Harry says whimpering. "Haz, why didn't you tell one of us?" Liam asks disappointed. "I don't want another root canal if I need one." Harry says tears falling down his cheeks. "Hazzy, please stop crying." I say trying to calm him down. He shakes his head and winces when cold air hits his sore mouth. Liam asks me to go into the hallway and I nodded. Once we were in the hallway he says,"Amber can you please check Harry's mouth for us, your the only one that can get him to calm down?" I nod and Liam goes to his office. I walk back into the room to see Harry in the corner crying. I walk over to him and I kneel down. "Leave me alone!" Harry says moving more into the air conditioner. "Haz, I'm the one checking your mouth." He nods happily. "Sit in the chair please." He nods and gets up to sit the chair. "Ok Harry you know the drill." I say to him as I put gloves on. Next I put a bib around his neck and tilted the chair back. "Open." I say getting the mirror and explorer. He obeys me and does. I slip the tools in his mouth and I start checking. I found the problem after a minute or so. He had a cracked tooth and he a had a pretty deep cavity. I take off the rubber gloves and I head to Liam's office where him and Niall were doing some paperwork. I knock on the door and they tell me to come in. "Guys, Harry has a cracked tooth and a deep cavity." I say tears in my eyes. They nod and we start going back to the room. "Please don't tell me it's bad." Harry says while we walk into the room. He sees my tears and starts tearing up too. "Harry you have a pretty bad cracked tooth and a deep cavity." I say and we both start to cry. "This can't be good." He says whimpering. I walk up to him and I pick him up since he's not heavy. I put him on my lap and he cries onto my shoulder. "Haz,please calm down." I say trying to make him stop crying. He shakes his head and I rub his back. "Harry, please." I say still rubbing his back. He stills shakes his head and I hug him. I let go and put my finger under his chin so he would look at me. "Amber please don't make me do this." He says looking at me with puppy eyes. "Haz, your going to be ok." I reassure him. He shakes his head and I whisper something to Liam. Liam nods and goes over to the laughing gas machine. Harry sees and cries more into my shoulder. "Harry." I say stern. "I'm sorry!" He says shaking. "There's nothing to be sorry about." I tell him and he nods. I pick Harry off of my lap and I put him back in the dental chair. Liam nods to me while I nod back. Liam then brings the nub over and puts it over Harry's nose. "Guys NO!" Harry screams. "Harry just breathe." Me and Liam both say. He then passes out from the medicine. Liam grabs the mouth prop and puts into Harry's mouth. I whimper when Liam asks me to prepare a syringe. "Hey what's wrong?" Liam asks. "It's just that he's my twin brother and I can't believe we did that to him." I say crying. "It's ok, he's going to be fine."Liam says and I nod. "I guess." "Amber." Liam says stern. I grab the syringe and start to prepare it with lidocaine. I hand it to Liam and he starts to inject Harry with it. I whimper again seeing my brother like this. "Amber stop." Liam says a bit stern. I nod and Liam starts by taking dental pliers and clamping around the tooth. Liam starts to tug on the tooth. He starts wiggling it in till it came out. He stitched up the hole and puts a gauze in. He then grabs a filling composite and fills in the cracked tooth. Liam motions me to grab the blue light off of the counter so he can dry the filling. I hand it to Liam and he puts it above the part where he filled the tooth. Once dried Liam then drills off the corners. I take the nub off of Harry's nose and we waited for him to wake up. Meanwhile I'm on my phone and Liam is back in his office with Niall finishing the paperwork. "Mhm?" Somebody asked. "Harry?" He nods and I head back over to him. "How does your mouth feel?" I ask. "It's sore but a bit better then before." He says looking confused." Harry whimpers when air hits his sore mouth. "Where's Niall and Liam?" Harry asks. "They're in their office doing some paperwork." I say and he nods. "I want to go home." He says. "Do you want me to go get them?" I ask. "Please." He said. I nod and head towards their office. I knock on the door and they tell me to come. "Everything alright?" Liam asks. I nod. "Actually Harry wants to go home, if you want he can stay at my apartment tonight." They nod. We head back to the room and I pick Harry up. "What are you doing?" Harry asks. "I'm bringing you to the car." I say and he nods. I got in the car with him next to me. "Harry one question." "Yea?" "Do you mind if you sleep at my apartment tonight since we don't want you driving in till the medicine goes away. He nods and Liam and Niall get in. They start to drive back to my place. "Amber?" "Yes?" "Well this may sound weird but can I become your roommate?" "What happened to yours?" "Ryan wants his girlfriend Carolyn to live with him." I nod and he tells me that he would get his stuff tomorrow. We were at my place so we got out of the car and walked into my apartment that had 3 rooms and 3 bathroom in each room. "Harry you know where your room is." I tell him and he nods. I go over to the kitchen and I clean up everything from hours ago. "Fuck!" I say as I bang my hand against the counter. "Is everything alright?!" Harry screams. "Yea I just banged my hand!" I scream back. "Ok!" He screams back. I walk into his new room and I see that he was cuddled in bed with one of my stuffed animals. I laugh and I head towards my room in till I was stopped. "Amber?" "Yea Haz?" "Cuddle." He says and I nod. "Yay!" He says. We laugh and we cuddle. "I love you!" We both say at the same time. I frown when Harry starts to whimper. "Haz, what's wrong?" I ask. "My mouth hurts." I nod and I go into the bathroom. I get the pills that Liam gave and told me to give Harry. I go back into the room and hand them to Harry. He shakes his head and whimpers. "Harry take em." He still shakes his head. "Haz, your mouth is going to hurt if you don't take these." He still won't budge and a idea popped into my head. "Haz, I won't cuddle with you if you don't take these." He whimpers and makes grabby hands at me. I hand them over and he takes a sip of his water bottle swallowing the pills. "Cuddle now." He said and we started cuddling again. "I'm tired." We both say laughing. Harry started whimpering so we cuddled again. "TwinGoals." Harry says. I chuckle and I rub is cheek. "Lets go to sleep." We both say at the same time. As I was turning the light off I trip over Harry's shoes. "Damn, are you ok?" "Fuck my hand." I laugh and get up to turn the light off. "My hand hurts but I'll be fine." He nods and we start cuddling again. "Amber do you have school tomorrow?" I shake my head. "Well then can you help me with my stuff?" He asks and I nod in agreement." I shake my hand because of pain. After a couple of minutes me and Harry drift off to sleep. *Nightmare* "Haz,Please listen to Liam. He shakes his head. Liam and Niall bring over the nub and put it over Harry's nose. "FUCK NO!" Harry screams trying to take the nub off. "Haz, breathe." I instruct. "FUCK YOU ALL!"" Harry screams still trying to get the nub off. "Haz, please it's only going to make you better." Me and Liam say. "I DON'T FUCKING CARE WHAT IT DOES!" Harry screams taking the nub off. I start to cry thinking about what he said. "FUCK YOU LIAM!" Harry screams. "FUCK YOU AMBER!" He screams again. "AND FUCK YOU NIALL!" Harry screams for the last time I hope. I start to cry more. "FUCK YOU ALL I WISH YOU ALL WERE DEAD!" Harry screams and I start crying more. "AMBER YOUR SUCH A BITCH BECAUSE YOU CRY TO MUCH AND ITS SO FUCKING ANNOYING!!" Harry screams pointing at me. By this point I had woken up. I started to cry and I'm guessing my crying woke Harry up." "Amber what's wrong?" He asks and I jump off of the bed. "FUCK YOU!" I say backing up. "What did I do?" He asks looking worried. "You called me a bitch and told me, Liam, and Niall that we should be dead." I shutter. "Fuck!" "Leave me alone." "Amber that was all of a dream I would never say that." He says as I was backing up more and he was walking a towards me. I tried to keep my balance when all of a sudden I fall and bang my head against the counter. "FUCK MY LIFE!" I scream. Harry runs over to me and holds him hand out. I shake my head and he says, "Amber at least I can help you up." I nod and I take his hand and he pulls me up. "Ok now tell me what your dream was about?" He says like he was asking. "Well you know what happened at the clinic right?" He nods and grabs a water from the fridge. "So we were trying to get you to breathe in the mask and you said FUCK YOU to us." "What happened after?" He asks. "We tell you that that mask was only going to make you calm down and you said you didn't care what it fucking does." "You then told us that we should be dead." By this point Harry had tears in his eyes. "Finally you told me that I was a bitch and that I was so annoying." I say tears falling down my cheek. "Amber you know I would never say anything like that not even in billions of years." He said hugging me. "I know but It's hard to believe." I say. "It was all a nightmare that you should've had." He said still hugging me and I nod. "Wanna go back to sleep?" He asks and I nod. "Oh FUCK!" I say as I trip on Harry's shoes again. "Amber, you need to be careful." He says and I nod while getting up. We get back into bed a cuddle. "You need to be careful too." I say. "I tripped." He says embarrassed. "I just tripped over your shoes." I say pointing to him. "At least I didn't do damage." I say still pointing to him. "That was your fault." He says pointing at me. "Oh shut it Styles." I say pinching him. "Oww." He says holding his hands in surrender. We both laugh and cuddle again. "I love you." I say to him. "I love you more." He says hugging me closer. "Nope I love you more." I say. "In your dreams bitch." He says laughing. "You better shut your mouth before I do I it for you." I say and he holds his hands in surrender. "I'm so scared." He says laughing. "I'm gonna go cuddle Mr. Bear." I say laughing. "NO DON'T LEAVE!" He says pulling me closer to him. "You really think I would leave?" I ask and he nods. "I wouldn't." I say. "You would." He says. "Who said?" "I did." He says laughing. "Go back to sleep." I say. "You should too." He says. "How about we both go back to sleep?" I ask and he nods. "Yep you go to sleep and I stay up." He says laughing. "Don't make me." I say. "Make you what?" He asks. "I will shut your mouth if you can't." I say. "OMG I'm so scared!" He says in sarcasm. I laugh and I smack his arm. "OMG that hurt so much." He says laughing. "Mhm says the one who was scared to have laughing gas." I say bringing back memories from hours ago. "Shut it." He says laughing more. "Well then you shut it." I say pointing to him. "I'm still scared." He says. "You get attention." I say. "I get attention because I look better then you." He says laughing. "We look the same Styles." I say pinching him again. "Your pinches hurt." He says not joking. "I know right." I say. "Whatever." He says. "I know we look the same but guess what?" He asks. "What?" "I'm cute and I can sing." He says. "I can sing too are you stupid?" I ask. "Oh right I guess I kinda am." He says embarrassed. "Goodnight Styles." I say and I roll over. "Goodnight to you bitch." He says. I stick my middle finger up and he whimpers. "What's wrong?" I ask. "You stuck the middle finger up at me." He says sad. "Well then leave me alone I'm tired." I say. "I'm sorry." He says tears running down his face. "Harry tell me what's wrong." I say stern. "My mouth hurts." He says. I get up and I grab another two pills that Liam gave me. I hand them to Harry and he shakes his head. "Hazza take these." I say and he nods taking them. He takes a sip out of his bottle swallowing his pills. I get back into bed and he cuddles me close to him. "What are you doing?" I ask when he pulls me closer to him. "I'm cuddling with my twin sister." He says in a duh tone. "I'm going to bed." I say turning the lamp off. Slowly me and Harry drift off to sleep.

I met a guy named Ethan and Harry met a girl named Kaitlyn. Me and Ethan had 3 kids 2 girls named Anna Lynn and Lucy Kate. We also had one boy named Ethan Jones. Harry has one daughter named Darcy. Niall and Liam became the best dentists in the country. Harry also joined a band while I'm a solo artist. Harry took extra care for his teeth and we lived happily ever after.

A/N:This imagine was a bit crappy but I think it came out good. Tell me your opinions in the comments below. If you want to a personal imagine you can DM me and I'll get to you as fast as I can. I hope you enjoyed! Cya in the next Imagine! 😝😝😜😘

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