Chapter II

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As my eyes slowly opened I groaned loudly and struggled to sit up. My whole body was aching as if a fire had swept through me. I tried to remember what had just happened but all that came to me was the piercing in pain in my shoulder before I passed out. I looked at my injured shoulder, and noticed a giant bite mark, slightly healed but still rather raw. I tried to get up but the pain in my shoulder was shocking. I collapsed back down to the ground and once again lost consciousness.

The next time I woke up I felt better. I could get up and move around. I stretched my aching muscles and noticed a few differences. My eyesight had improved significantly, and that's saying something as demigods have naturally keen eyesight. I could see everything clearly, even the far bushes in the park 400m away. I suddenly clasped my hands over my ears; my hearing had improved as well. All the cars that zoomed past on the street sounded like a hurricane.  And then I caught a whiff of the ocean. I knew NYC like the back of my hand and the beach was miles away but I could still smell it. It was calming and I suddenly felt like I needed a swim so naturally, I followed my nose. I walked for about 45 minutes before reaching the ocean. I stepped in and calmness overtook me. I looked around to see if anyone was watching. When the coast was clear I jumped into the water and swam down to the bottom. Even though they had all abandoned me, including my father, I still found peace in the sea. I opened my eyes and looked around at my surroundings. There were fish everywhere and surprisingly they were ignoring me. Usually, when I step into the sea I have to calm the fish down because they are so excited to see me. Must be something to do with my 'situation'. I formed the water in front of me into a mirror and when I looked at my reflection I gasped. Living on the streets had not treated me well. My hair was worse than usual, mixed with leaves and dirt. My clothes were all grotty and my face was covered with so much grime it looked as if I had a different skin tone altogether. I let the water around me make me wet as I rub my face and my hair in the water. I made myself dry again and stared at my reflection again. It looked better than before, but I still needed some new clothes. Suddenly there was a bright light behind me. I swam to the surface and saw Artemis standing on the beach.
"Why are you here?" I asked the moon goddess.
"I am here to offer you a deal. I have seen how people have treated you and it is awful. You have done so many great things for this world and they have forgotten." She said, looking at me with what I thought was sympathy but how can you tell when the look is coming from a man-hating goddess? I stared at her and noticed that this was probably the smartest thing to do in this situation. I nodded my head and we both disappeared in a flash of silver light, and I was on my way to a new beginning...

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