Taka Returns

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Rogue awoke to a battle cry across the territory. She jumped her feet, startled. She saw a yellow-orange color surround the place, and horses scattering and fighting savagely. Rogue galloped around looking for Prince, but her vision was blurred and all she could see was the mysterious yellow color.  

Suddenly a thick hoof slammed her across the face. Blood stained her muzzle and dripped slowly onto the grass. 

"Rogue! You traitor!" The voice yelled, it was very recognizable.

"I'm leader after Picasso since you betrayed us!" Rogue tried to concentrate on the horse before her, it was a chestnut. Jaguar! 

"Never!" Rogue squealed and lunged forward.  

Jaguar sliced at Rogue's stomach, making her fall to her knees. "Please, stop." Rogue coughed. 

"Better beg me, like an obedient mare." Jaguar spat. 

Rogue hesitated, and dipped her head. "Jag, I'm pregnant, please spare me." Rogue begged. 

Jaguar pricked his ears in curiosity, "Who's the father?" Rogue glared, why do you even care?

"Apollo." Rogue sighed, holding back tears.  

Jaguar saw the tears, and a side of him felt sympathy for Rogue. "Now you know what it feels like to be betrayed." 

"What do you know about Apollo?" Rogue scowled rising to her hooves. 

Jaguar rolled his eyes, "War isn't a place to chat." He said, galloping away, leaving Rogue in mercy. 

Rogue's vision returned to her, something that humans called 'fire' enclosed their territory. She saw many horses battling. Rogue took a deep breath in, she smelt something familiar,  she inhaled again, the scent fluttered her nose. It was a warm and milky scent, Taka was around. 

Rogue flung herself in the other direction, only to see her mother leading a forceful patrol of soldiers. Fear filled the air as the herds clashed again. Rogue looked around, she was looking for Prince. He wasn't in the battlefield fighting. 

Abruptly, a large Percheron leaped at Rogue. Out of nowhere, a flash of buckskin slammed into the Percheron, knocking it over. Rogue, to her astonishment, saw Prince pinning the huge horse to the ground.  He raised his dagger-like hoof, and striked at the Percheron's neck, killing him. 

"Go, now, to my den!" Yelled Prince urgently, as he dashed off to fight with his soldiers. 

Rogue cantered swiftly away to Prince's enclosed den, and a sharp scent stung her nose. She gazed up, finding herself face to face with a blood-covered pinto stallion. 

"Look who we have here." Picasso said creepily. 

"Picasso, leave me alone." Rogue snapped, turning her head away. 

"Rogue, you started this, now I'm going to end it." Picasso threatened, holding his hoof up to Rogue's chest. 

"It's time for the evil to...end." 

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