Chapter Fifteen

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Whoa. It has been way too long, but I've also been quite busy. I left you guys alone for too long. I will update more often, I promise. Also this song is amazing. Sorry that its so short, things are going down in the next few chapters, I'm telling ya.

Amber POV

"Amber? Amb, wake up, love. I've gotten you some breakfast."

I slowly opened my eyes, and shielded myself from the light that was streaming in through the beige curtains. I looked down to see Alec sitting on my legs, fully dressed in a white tank top, his black leather vest, black pants, and combat boots.

In his hands, he had a tray of eggo waffles with maple syrup, eggs, french toast, and hot chocolate. 

I smiled, and sat up, pulling the covers to hide my exposed chest. 

"You made this all by yourself?"

He nodded. Then shook his head.

"Yes. Well, no. I toasted the waffles, and made the coffee and Izzy made everything else. It's the thought that counts, aye?"

I laughed.  "You arrogant sod! Pass me the food, I'm starving."

He handed me the food and smirked. 

"I mean, I would be too if I suc--"

I slapped my hand over his mouth before he could finish his sentence.

When I removed it, I immediately started eating my food. The windows were opened and a piece of hair blew into my face, but I paid it no mind. I felt Alec's hand on my cheek, moving the hair away. 

I looked up at him, only to see that he had already been staring intently at me, watching my every move. My lips parted to ask him why he was staring at me, but he met his lips with mine before I could get the words out. 

When we parted, I looked him in the eye.

"What was that for?" I asked.

He smiled slightly, and spoke in a voice brimming with love.

"I love you so much, Amber. I love you so much. More than you will know."

I smiled. "I love you too, Al. I love you too."

I took a sip of my chocolate and placed the tray aside on the night stand, and got up to get dressed. Or at least I tried to.

"No, don't leave me. I've waited so long for you, and now you're leaving me?"

Alec wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his face into my neck.

"Love, I need to get dressed, I can't go around walking in the nude!"

"Then stay here. With me. Please."

Alec looked up at me with his blue eyes, that soon became puppy dog eyes.  I shook my head, refusing to succumb to the torture that is puppy dog eyes. I looked back at him. Big mistake.

He pulled me in with those eyes, and soon I found myself kissing him once more. 

I used the kiss to my advantage, and snuck out of his arms, wrapped in the bedsheet and ran into the bathroom.

Alec groaned. 

"Come back to me my love!"

I laughed. He's such a fool.

When I locked the door, and got into the shower, I thought of him. I was reminded of the time we first met, and how terrified I was of him.

Look at you now. The voice had come back, but in the same voice it was in the beginning. A female, a grown woman, from what I could tell, but who was she?

Coffee~LightwoodTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon