Chapter Thirteen

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Okay so you guys know about my obsession with Alex Aiono, and now William Singe, and now I am freaking out! If you check out this website,, you can get a disposable camera with up to 10 photos of him, a signed lyric sheet, you can even get the Akai beat pad that he uses, also signed! But you guys gotta hurry because these things sell out fast!


I watched, helpless, as Simon was dragged away by the big men.

Vampires. Magnus's voice rang through my head.


Jace ran to Clary, spoke a few rushed words to her, and pulled her away from Magnus, but not before he said these words.

"Just remember, it was Shadowhunters your mother was running from."

We rushed to some sort of cathedral or church and the group got right to work.

"Guys what are we doing here? I thought we were trying to find Simon." Clary inquired. She watched as Jace bent down and blew on the bottom of the altar, dust flying everywhere. He paused momentarily to respond to her question.

"We are, we just need to pick up a few things."

"What is this some kind of deal you have with the church?" Clary exclaimed incredulously.

Jace continued blowing, almost as if he was searching for something. "Demons exist all across the world in their varying different forms. incredulously cling to no particular religion. And in turn, all religions assist us in our battle."

Clary scoffed. "We could have easily gone to a Jewish synagogue or a Shinto temple."

Don't get me wrong, I love Clary with all my heart, but its moments like these that make me want to shut her up.

Jace used his stele as some sort of key to unlock the space underneath the altar.

"Here it is. Beneath every altar in every church, you'll find this."

"So what do you believe in?" Honestly Clary, bugger off with the topic already!

"I believe in myself." Jace spoke whilst pulling out the chest of weapons. "I know my job is to kill demons. I don't have to believe in anything else." The rest of the group, not including me, sorted through the weapons chamber, picking and choosing between what could kill effectively and efficiently.

I tuned out the rest of their conversation as Alec handed me a katana.

"Why do I have to have a katana? Why can't I have a gun?"

He smiled. "Do you really think you could handle a vampire gun?"


He rolled his eyes. "Please, love. Spare me the humour. I've seen you walk down the stairs. Some wouldn't even call it walking."

I scoffed, offended. "Well so what if I fall ever now and then, that's normal."

"In what world?"

"Ha ha. You're hilarious." I spoke, rolling my eyes, smiling all the while.

"It's a vampire gun." I heard Jace say. He was a bit too close to Clary, in my opinion. Alec's facial expression said the same.

"You must pierce the heart. Push it up against the"

Clary squeezed the trigger and a stake with silver attachments blasted out, instead of a bullet.

"Recharge." Jace pulled the lever back and forth and spoke. "Then you're good to go again."

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