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I had to pick him up and why not cuz in my mind we were just two friends going on a hang out/date thing. Now I told him from the get go that I didn't want anything more. No kisses no hugs nothing. He kept asking.

Later I would wonder if it was what I was wearing like people say when they blame the victim you know? But that didn't make any sense because I was wearing jeans and a baggy anime shirt that came all the way up to my throat I wasn't showing any skin I was certainly not being provocative.....i did not cause this.

We hadn't even seen the movie yet and he started coming on to me in my car in the parking lot of the theater. I will forever remember him suddenly kissing me with his nasty ash filled rotting yellow teeth and dragging me to the back of my jeep. I was pulled on top of him I didn't want this and I told him.

I told him no not once not twice but seven times. Seven!!! I don't know how he did it but he managed to get out clothes off before I can even register whats happening.

I try to move off him but I was weak and he kept pulling me down on top of him...i feel his penis on my vagina and I try to jump off him but he just grabs me and flips me under him so I can't move.

It was just a dateWhere stories live. Discover now