4-The Nightmare(part-2)

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I just stood there stupified. Then the front door suddenly opened and Jakob walked in. Without thinking I ran to him and clutched on him like my life depended on it.

It took Jacob a good amount of time to absorb every thing that was happening. He looked like he had just seen a ghost. Jacob does knew that things weren't right between me and Agustin after that misunderstanding, but what he didn't know was that, Agustin will ever physically abuse me. No one could have guessed Agustin was capable of doing that to me, in the past Agustin will get mad even by seeing tiniest of scratch on my body.
I felt a hand wrap around my back, protectively.

Then Jacob looked at Agustin and gave him a look of absolute loathing and disgust with the same eyes which once held so much of admiration for Agustin.

"You said Onika was not doing well that is why she was not able to come to the office, this is why she is not doing well?" Jacob seethed at Agustin.

"Jacob, you stay out of this is between Onika and me." Agustin's voice held a warning tone.

"No. It isn't. Onika is coming with me."

"You take one wrong step Jacob, and I will take it out on Onika," I felt Jacob's whole body stiffen.

"Agustin don't make me take this to the police."

Agustin let out a mirthless laugh. "It's you saying that Jacob? You know I own the police, " I felt Jacob's hand fisting my shirt unconsciously.

"Onika is my legally wedded wife, no one is taking her away from me, no one. If you even try Jacob, you will be putting Onika in danger for nothing." Jacob's hold on me tightened.

But freeing myself I took few steps away from him and said, "Jacob, Agustin is right, it's between him and me."

"Onika--" he looked at me with pained expression.

"You heard him Jacob, don't make it worse for me than it already is." Saying that I turned my back to him, ignoring his shattered and helpless expression, making my heart flutter at the simple thought that he cared. Cared enough to stand against his childhood best friend. But it's going to be futile I knew.


I woke up when I heard Alex cry. I exhaled is exasperation, when am I going to stop doing this?

The nightmare again.

The nightmares hadn't stopped since I had left Agustin. I was completely covered in sweat and I was finding it hard to breath.

All this nightmare opened up every wound in my mind as if it had happened yesterday itself.

I looked down at Alex and my lips morphed in the form of a sad smile.  I consoled myself that the reason of my being is here, right here. Nothing else matters until he is with me I can over come anything.

Alex usually doesn't wake up at this hour I must have screamed. I lift him up and started soothing him to sleep.

"I am so sorry little one, Mamma disturbed your sleep, again. Sorry my baby go back to sleep please." He looked up at me and kept staring for a few seconds as if he could see through my inner turmoil. After a few minutes he visually relaxed and sleep took over him pretty soon

Now he must be around three years. I don't​ know his exact age but when I found him he looked so small.

So I celebrate his birthday the same day I found him. The same day I escaped Agustin.

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