Young Adults

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Driving through the city with extravagantly tinted windows was never more relaxing. Normally, they would be on the lookout for police who would want to pull them over to give them a citation for the feature. Raphael was always first to volunteer to outrun them if they were ever given the chance, but since they have now been given a pass by the police as an undercover vehicle, that chance to engage in a Tokyo Drift faded away. At least they still get those funny looks from fellow drivers and pedestrians who either ogle or ridicule the fashion of their vehicle. If only they knew this meager van withheld its own defenses.

Donnie drove to the back of the TCRI building. The entire perimeter was surrounded by armed guards and yellow tape. Noticing the van, the policeman took no time but to accept their clearance and open up a spot for them to drive on through. The driver let down his window just an inch when he stopped before the building. His car shut off and a female officer ran up to the window. Quick words were exchanged until a quick nod. She grabbed her dispatch and soon the street lights of the block turned their environment black. Only for a few seconds did this occur until the van was emptied and its passengers safely inside the TCRI structure. The mutants were immediately greeted by an officer who was assigned to take them to the floor Chief Vincent was occupying. The teens walked hurriedly, but not enough to not catch a glimpse of their surroundings. Officers, detectives, you name it were swarming out there as they pried open drawers and analyzed possible evidence. The floor altogether was emptied, swept clean in hopes of finding secrets between the walls and floorboards. When coming upon the elevator, both the space and weight capacity could not hold all six of them. They learned that after the narrow space could barely hold a turtle and a lizard together. The officer guiding them looked flushed with embarrassment and suggested that they should take the elevator meant for their machines. The hydraulics of this more industrial elevator did the trick as the family was sent up without their guide to the 9th floor of the TCRI building. They waited patiently as they were whisked up. Trying to get something started, Michelangelo started an 8-beat rhythm but no one was interested in collaborating along with him, ending the potential show short much to the young turtle's dismay. The elevator dinged and the large door opened up to them the desired room. Just like any other floor, it was flooded with more people than ordinary office items. By the large machines and some other recognizable pieces seen from Donatello's little lab, this must have been their laboratory floor. To their right, a glass box had cracked walls from the inside. To the left, computers were being hacked into and opened up for further investigation.

"Who do I have the pleasure of meeting?" Vincent's voice caused for a change of direction of mutant heads. She stepped sharply with her assistant struggling to keep up with her. The mutant gang opened up to her as she approached them with a content expression. Although alright on the outside and having usual contact with the male mutants, the differences of the girls struck a hushed awe within herself.

"These are our sisters you remember. 'Member?" Mikey spoke in a silly tone as he pulled his two sisters up to the chief. Yes, she remembered them but only as the boys have recalled. It was the first time she had officially met the two girls due to their absence in China.

"Of course, but not by blood, correct?"

"We're still a family." Venus assured. Blood or not, they were a family and it would be best to pass that knowledge around to others who may want to challenge it. Thankfully, Vincent smiled, nodding while facing the floor.

"Of course. Chief Vincent of the New York Police Department." She stook out a sharp hand for Mona to grab onto.

"Mona Lisa, kunoichi." With such authority, Mona strived to match the same basic and affirmative tone as the chief held. After saying so, she felt more power through her throat.

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