I have been chosen to suffer

19 2 14

   Tagged by: KatsuWatsu

   1) What is your dream job when you were younger?

   Uh, if I remember right, I've always wanted to be a Veterinarian or a Vet for short. I like to help animals a lot, I even helped 3 week old kitties!  : D
  They peed on me and climbed on me all over, their favorite place is inside my cris-cross-apple-sauce. Ya'know, the part where you sit cross-legged? Yeah, that one.
   The other kitten slept on my left shoulder, that's his favourite spot.
They didn't have their eyes open yet until 2 more weeks later, I can't remember anyway.
  I had to stimulate them so they could poop.
  Let me explain, a mother cat/dog licks the part of their behind and keeps doing it until the baby creature poops.
   I used a warm rag!
I miss them...
   The really small baby kitten was a runt, and he died... 
   So I felt like I failed, I gave up the kittens to the vet.

   2) Do you like potatoes?

  I like potatoes, but I prefer sweet potatoes.
   I don't even remember talking about potatoes.
  Why are we talking about potatoes again?

3) What is your favourite anime?

  >_> Seriously? Everyone knows saying that is forbidden around here. (In my opinion)
   No one says which one is their favourite, they all love their anime equally.
  Never ask me that question again, you fool!

4) What is your favourite fanfiction?

   Do I need to FUCKING pick?
Yeah, I didn't think so either, Missy.

5) Would you rather use fanfiction or Wattpad?

It's obvious.

6) Random fact?

   I'm always in a car. :D
I love being in a car!

When I was a wee child, my grampappy brought a diesel along with the trailer.

Let me explain, a trailer is the white big box.
  Did you all get it?
I know how to open the back of the trailer, thanks to my grampapa owning one.
  In the diesel, they had bunk beds, and a tiny porta potty inside the diesel, a TV, and a ceiling view of the sky, both windows on top of the bunk bed.
  I even get to sit up front, it was a lot of fun!
I miss riding in diesels!
I had a fun childhood.
That's why I love to ride in cars, I want to travel the world in a diesel.
  Oh, I travelled from California, to Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona.
Almost everywhere in the USA, except Alaska, and hawaii.
Cause you can't take a diesel across the ocean xD
  My family was also with us, along with our pets.
I had Chuckie, my cat while Papa had Samantha, a small black pregnant mutt (we didn't know she was pregnant at that time)

  Let's see how many cars I remember.
Three cars in total.
One is my gramma's old Chevy truck, one was my mom's car, and one was the diesel.
Aunt liz
Uncle Shawn
Aunt Debbie
And two pets
Chuckie stayed in my mommy's car because of Samantha on the diesel.

Aunt Debbie, Uncle Shawn, and the boys took a plans back home in California.
  They only decided to drive Nana's car to our new home, which is Texas.
We still own the farm house.
I'm pretty sure it's filled with mouse and spiders and bugs by now.... 

The people I nominate to suffer are:

Enjoy life while it lasts~!

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