Set, studio & adopting the girls

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"Night love" he says as he kissed her before going to see Kendall and Minnie and see how Minnie was doing with her new daddy 

Logan left a night light on for her so she wasn't scared of the dark as she was sleeping peacefully that night

"Someone woke up" Kendall says as he was referring to Minnie who was wide awake and looking around to where she was at right now 

"Hey Minnie you awake huh little one?" he asks her as he came over to her, so he could see her and maybe hold her if he was lucky too cause he wanted to hold her

"Can you hold her while i make her a bottle?" Kendall asks him as he passed the baby off to Logan so he could hold her for a little bit 

"Sure I don't mind holding her" he says as he takes the baby from Kendall to hold in his arms while he was making a bottle for Minnie so she could eat a little bit 

Logan decided to wash her up a little bit since Kendall shopped for her, and see if she had her umbilical cord stump or not. He sees that she did have her stump, so he was careful as he bathe her a little bit so she was clean 

"There we go now to get you fed and into bed as well little lady" he says as he came out to see Kendall with a bottle in his hands

"Let's get her ready for bed first Logan and then feed her and tuck her in after she has been burped and changed" Kendall says as he picked out a cute sleeper for the baby to wear that night

Logan was quick with her and once she was all warmed she ate like a trooper for Kendall and Logan, and Logan changed her nappy once again before they tucked her in the bassinet that Kendall had picked up for her at the store so she was comfy and snug as a bug in a rug

"Night Minnie" they say as they kissed her good night as she started to go to sleep on her own

Kendall checked on Aurora to see if she was okay as well and little Aurora was having a nightmare when he came into the room to check on the little girl

"Aurora it's okay it's only a nightmare it's not real at all and you are with Kendall" Kendall says as he came into the room to check on the little girl that was sleeping in her bed that night

Aurora cried into Kendall's arms

"Come on sweetie you want to sleep with Logan and me tonight?" Kendall asks her as he looked down at her once she settled down 

Aurora nods as she looked at Kendall with tears in her eyes

"Okay cause tomorrow you two will come to set with us for the first time and then you two are going to be adopted by us would you like that? Then you can call us mommy and daddy or papa and daddy" Kendall asks her as they were heading to the master where Logan was with Minnie since Minnie was having a bad dream as well and he was comforting her the best that he could right now

Aurora loved that she got to sleep with her new parents and her baby sister in the same room that night and then when they had the time she was going to sleep in her bed when it was all done

"Aurora what kind of bed would you like?" Logan asks as he looked at her as he got into bed with her and Kendall that night

Aurora had to think a little bit before she gave them her answer and she wanted a loft bed so she could play underneath it, and Logan knew he had his work cut out for that little girl and they were going to work on the room when they weren't so busy with the band and the show

(Next morning)

Logan was up before the girls so he decided to make them some breakfast in bed to make it better and get the morning off to a great start before they head to set with the girls and they could see what their new parents do for a living, and maybe they can bond afterwards

Found by Kogan wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now