Final part

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"Logie Logie we have plenty of time to do all of that and so much more before the babies come cause if they do come early there might be a chance they will need to be in the hospital for a while until they get strong enough to come home

"I know I am ready to have them home now and not later" Logan says as he was going to look at the clothes that they had from Minnie

"Logan they will be home in due time right now we have a lot to do before they even come" Kendall says to him cause they had to trade in a car for a bigger vehicle like a mini-van or SUV

"Yeah, we do don't we" Logan says as he was a little excited

"Logan, I know your excited about the new little ones coming into the picture right now we just have to wait and see" Kendall says as he was trying to calm Logan down cause Logan wanted the twins in his arms right that second and that was impossible right now

"I know I can't wait to meet them and see what they look like and hold them right after they are born" Logan says to Kendall

"Logan, we have to be patient right now and wait for them to be born and due to the virus, we won't be able to be in the hospital while the mom is in labor as well" Kendall says as he talks to Logan

"I know we have to be patient I can only be patient so long" Logan says as he looks at Kendall right now

"You will have to be patient a little longer is all" Kendall says as he looks at Logan cause he could see that Logan was getting tired of waiting

"I know and our two girls will keep me busy for sure Aurora keeps us busy enough with her schedule" Logan says as he looks at Kendall

"Yeah, she does she is our little butterfly she is spreading her wings for sure all over the place and being in everything she can be in right now" Kendall says as he looks at the schedule that had all of the activities on it as well cause they had something every day and a game or two every Saturday cause she was in cheerleading and soccer as well and she was learning to play the piano

"Yeah, I hope it don't get to be too much on her at her age" Logan says cause he was worried about her and her little heart

"Then there is Miss Minnie" Kendall says as he brings Minnie into the kitchen cause she woke from her nap, and she wanted to see what was going on as well

"Yes, Miss Minnie our littlest one of them all for now until the twins come" Logan says as he was thinking of her as well

Minnie squealed when she heard her name

"That's our girl" Logan says as he gives her kisses

"Yeah, that's for sure" Kendall says as he kisses her as well

Soon they heard Aurora's feet and they knew she was off to practice her next thing cause her schedule was so action packed they had a hard time keeping everything straight as well, but Logan had a system for everything that she was in and a part of cause he loved to see her blossom and flourish as well cause she has come a long way from when they first got the girls as well, and Aurora loved having two dads and being different as well from the other kids her age as well

(Months later)

Before they knew it was time for the twins to arrive and the day didn't come with bells and whistles, the day just came and Logan was excited to finally meet the twins and hold them in his arms as well and bring them home. Aurora was excited to have two baby sisters that she can properly help take care of as well and show them everything the world has to offer as well and how awesome their parents are as well

"Kenny, come on, I want to be there as soon as the twins are born cause the mother is handing over her rights as soon as the babies are born, so that means we can hold them and name them" Logan says as he was putting his light coat on, and he was ready to go

Kendall got the girls squared away with the sitter and he told Aurora that him and papa would be home with her new sisters as well and Aurora was excited to see her sisters and meet them as well

"Looks like I have to drive myself cause Logan did not want to wait for me" Kendall says as he was going to get in his car and head to the hospital as well

Kendall got in the other car with the girls and they headed to the hospital to welcome the twins into the family and he was going to let Logan have it when he approached the hospital with the girls

"Daddy is today the day we become big sisters?" Aurora asks him

"Yes sweetheart today is the day you and your sister become big sisters" Kendall tells her as they were going to go to the hospital and meet the babies

Kendall got the girls buckled in before going to the hospital and see where the devil Logan went cause he was not happy that Logan decided to take off without giving Kendall time to get the girls together as well as the bags and everything so they could go to the hospital together in one car and not two separate cars like they agreed on  cause they were going to go together as a family to the hospital and come home together

"Aurora do you have your IPAD and your headphones and your charger?" Kendall asks her

Aurora nods cause they were going to be at the hospital for a while as they waited for the babies to be born

"Okay we are off" Kendall says as he heads to the hospital with the girls 


Kendall parks the van and gets the girls out and he found where Logan was

"Logan why didn't you wait for us?" Kendall asks him cause he was not happy that Logan left without them

"I wanted to get here as fast as possible" Logan tells him

"That is no excuse" Kendall says to him cause they wanted to do this as a family not separate

The birth is next hopefully in time like next day off for sure when I don't know hopefully next week 

Going to wish everyone a happy Easter we will continue in the future again when I am off or my vacation

Found by Kogan wattys 2023Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin