Victor made us skate our routine loads of times. And Yuri didn't complain one bit. We've been taking breaks as well but as Victor mentioned, we will be having shorter breaks. I thought he was joking at first but was he? Nope

I got back to Yuri's place and went straight for my room. I fell face first on my bed and went straight to sleep.

~Le next day~

Ugh...what time is it? 7:35?! Not really that late but that's fine. No doubt that *ahem* The Russian Punk is still sleeping. He always wakes up late for some reason, I wonder why... I got my air horn from my bedside table, approached Yuri know what happens next. ~You have an air horn BTW~



"You're so annoying"

"And so are you. Now get up. The competition's today"

"Okay, mom~"

"Oh shush now hurry up!"

"Okay, okay. I'm up"

"Good. Hold up, Victor's calling"

I  answered the phone...

"Hello. Y/N L/N speaking"

"It's Victor"

"I know, it's said so in your caller ID"

"Right, right. Anyways, down to business. Both of you need to get here by 8:30 am. Or else..."

" need for your, what do you call this...Threatening, voice"

"Why thank you"

"You're not welcome"

"Great. Just get here by 8:30 and bring your costume and skates. Byeee"

"Victor don't-"

Ugh! He hung up on me. Greaaat. NOT.

"What did he say?"

"Oh, he said that we should get our costume, skates and leave for the rink at once"



"Okay, can we stop saying okay?"

"Why? You said it first"

"No you did"

"Whatever, let's just go"


As we went to the competition, I couldn't help but wonder, if he likes cats so much, does he even have cats or a cat? Should I ask him or not? Maybe I should or can. I mean, it's not that personal. Right?

"Hey, Yuri?"


"Do you have a cat?"

Hot and Cold (Yuri Plisetsky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now