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Waddup Mina! Yes, Today's shipment is.....just look above ^ :3 This is requested by boldwriter4 to show her my appreciation ill add her in this chappie ^^ (dont worry other OCs will be included in future chapters) lets begin!

Ryu: Joker wakeup we have a shipment to discuss! (shakes a sleeping joker)

Joker: Five more minutes mom....i still haven't defeated the boss (hugs his 3DS which has drool on it)

Ryu: Gross =_=

Hachi: Ryu-san there's a letter for you (hands over a letter) (A/N: I know i haven't add him in the past chapters but his here now :3)

Ryu: (Takes letter) thanks Hachi.

Hachi: Your'e welcome. Owh and please dont wake Joker-san up he went on a heist alone today at 2:00 am.

Ryu: Owh my bad ^^;

Hachi: (smiles then leaves the room)

Ryu: (follows hachi outside and opens letter)

Letter: "you will be partnered with someone named bold today :D"

Ryu: (cock head to the right) Bold?

???: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Ryu: Huh? (glance at the sound's direction)

(suddenly a figure landed on Ryu from an open window)

???/Ryu: Groans* (A/N: Hachi is doing his chores.  Like cleaning the toilet or something.... Sorry hachi ≥﹏≤)

???: Where am I...... Huh!? (realizes she is on top a hooded and masked figure) I-im s-so sorry (gets off the figure)

Ryu: Nah it's fine (stands up)

???: 'Cool...he has a robot voice'  (A/N: Well since Ryu wears a mask sooooo her voice is robotic :3 and yeah sorry bold but you don't know Ryu's true gender ^^;)

Ryu: Man, since when has the window ever been open here...(cleans dust off clothes)

???: Wait... isn't this the skyjoker!?

Ryu: ?

???: Owh...uhh.. Where are my manners I'm Kaitou demon, what's yours? ( reaches out hand to shake)

Ryu: (looks at kaitou demon's hand then shakes it) Y'know who I am...

Bold: Uhh... No...

Ryu: Don't you watch the news?

Bold: Well.... Sometimes...why?

Ryu: How bout this morning?

Bold: Yeah I did, again why?

Ryu: Look closely (points finger at her mask)

Bold: Uhh.... Okay.. ( looks at Ryu's mask)

                  ~5 minutes later~

Bold: Gasps* Oh my god!!!!!  Y-y-youre that dangerous vigilante from the news!!!  0Δ0!

Ryu: Took you long enough =_=;

Bold: You wanna fight me!? Then let's fight!! (battle stance then taunts)

Ryu: Woah woah woah I'm not here to fight... Actually why are YOU here?

Bold: Uhh... Well....


Bold: Hahaha the treasure will be mine! (almost reaching the treasure)

Kaitou Joker: Random Series~! (shipment reactions/truth or dare and many more!)Where stories live. Discover now