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So this is a request from InuSan0, Sankyuu! \(^^)/
NaruHina aka narutoxhinata (I don't ship it but....... Eh)
Anyways let's do this!

Ryu: Kon'nichiwa mina-san! It's is I the one and only Ry-

Joker: Yeah,yeah,yeah the great Ryu blah blah blah =_=

Ryu: How dare you mock me!! (◣_◢) anyway let's get started. What do u think about NaruHina joker? (grabs a chair,sits down and cross legs)

Joker: NaruHina? Hmm....... What's that?

Ryu: Falls down anime style*(°ロ°٥) You gotta be kidding me -_-||

Joker: Heh?

Ryu: Y'know naruto and hinata from well, naruto.

Joker: No idea. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ryu: You don't watch naruto?

Joker: What's that?(^ω^)

Ryu: Sigh..... It's only one of the most famous anime of ALL TIME! (*^*)

Joker: Uhh.... Ok

Ryu: So what do you think?

Joker: Uhh.... I dunno

Ryu: Sigh.... Never mind.....anyways I think they're a great couple with great kids ^^

Joker: Who is naruto again?

Ryu: Only the Hokage, The ninetail's jinchuriki and more (sorry author to lazy)

Joker:uhh....ok and who's-

Ryu: Well that's all for now!^^ Bye~

Joker: But-

Ryu: You.with! (drags joker to a room) (A/n: To watch naruto. Don't let that perverted mind of yours get to you =_=)

Joker: W-wha?


A/N: Waddup Mina! Sorry for making a short one cause it's late at 🌃 •_• plus I'm making a OC request! Just tell me these:

Kaitou name/Other names:
Weapons of choice:
Other details:~

That's all,au revoir~ ^^

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