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Hazel eyes met emerald green ones.

To Max it felt like coming home.

Josie's eyes widened a bit and for a second Max really thought she could remember him, but she probably was just reminded of their meeting yesterday.

The feelings accompanying their heated gazes were nothing unfamiliar to Max, but now they were so much stronger. He could literally feel Josie in his arms, could almost smell her heavenly scent.

Max could not help himself, but let his eyes roam down her body.

Josie wore a formhugging jean, brown boots and a green jacket. In one of her hands she carried a bag and Max had to keep himself in check in order not to reach out to her and take the bag from her.

He used to carry Josie's things all the time. She would complain about his chivalry of course, claiming that she was a big girl and capable of carrying a few things, but when Max had explained to her that he was then able to hold Josie's hand, she immediately had shut up and her eyes had softened. From then on Josie never uttered a word when Max carried her things for her.

When Max finally managed to look into Josie's eyes again there was no denying Josie's blush and that had Max' heart beating even faster. Did she realize who he was?

"It's good being home again. And speaking of being home, this here is Max, a friend of mine, who is back for good as well.", Luke's voice said from behind Max.

Josie forced her eyes to meet Luke's, but only for a split second before hers where on Max again.

She smiled shyly and extended her hand for him to shake.

"I never got the chance to introduce myself properly yesterday. I'm Josie Benett.", her sweet voice spoke and Max was crushed with the emotion of loss.

Max stared at her extended hand, but all he could think about was that Josie could really not remember him.

However, in the very exact moment something inside Max snapped.

He would make Josie remember him, even if it was the last thing he would do!

He took Josie's warm hand in his and immediately felt the electric current running through his veins.

It felt so good, he wanted to moan, but of course Max was trained enough to refrain from making any sound.

Again it felt familiar, but also so much stronger. Max did not want to let go of her hand at all, but he knew he had to in order to no let Josie think he was a creep.

Max lifted his gaze and realized that Josie felt it too, if her shocked expression and her still blushed cheeks were any indication.

"I'm Max, Max Hanson."

Josie's eyes lifted from their still shaking hands to Max'eyes and slowly whispered his name.

All the blood in his boody seemed to rush into a certain body part, when Max' name left Josie's red lips and he was instantly reminded of their passionate love makings.

"Can we invite you to get a drink with us?", Luke asked from beside them completely aware of their still present chemistry.

Max wanted to thank his friend, but his eyes stayed glued on Josie's and there was nothing he could do nor wanted to.

As if to bring herself back to the present Josie shook her head and loosened her grip on Max' hand.

The instant her skin was not touching Max again, he felt bereft.

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