What happens wen couples live together

Start from the beginning

H:I this is totally going to match
Shelby:I can use a dark hat instead and change the shirt to black and skirt grey and then you can wear one of my jacket around your wast and use a black bandanna with mouth print on it
H:you have that stuff
H:ok then let's hurry tho he's probably half way done just text him Graser and tell him to meet you at subway so you two can eat dinner and bring us something back so me and Shelby can finish the cake
Graser:you have to let it cool down so what I can do is I can grab subway on the way home and you two can hide the cake and I can take him to his room and tell him to work on an episode because we already did ares and I can lock the door or wen he homes out I can take him back in there to do something
Shelby:ok lets do that but for now H follow me to my room(Shelby starts running to her room giggling and H follows)
Shelby and H
Shelby:here's the outfit change(she hand him the outfit)
H:like in front of you?
Shelby:no!.....I'm leaving the room just don't mess up your makeup(she starts walking out of the door but H stops her and kisses her then they both had lipstick on)
Shelby:H why did you do that
H:just cuz
(Shelby leaves the room and H changes then leaves the room)
H:I need help with the bandana
(Shelby looks as H then starts to put the bandana on him and she notices that H has some type of blue mark on his face but she still finished putting the bandanna on him)
Shelby:did someone get in my candy stash and take some Icing
Shelby:h why did you go in my candy stash
H:wait why don't you use that candy for the cake
Shelby:because I need it
Shelby:girl reasons
Shelby:are you a girl
H:let's just go
Shelby:just go and don't be seen by will)
(H goes out to the can and leaves to the market)

Graser:will may be almost done and we haven't even started
Graser:how about this you two make a 3 lair circle cake and I'll help decorate it and we can even make each lair a theme if you want
Shelby:I can get the 3 lairs set and I can get everything ready but I need you to go keep him busy and wen you get back you can keep him in his room somehow
Graser:ok you just get started
Shelby:ok and if you run into H tell him we need red icing and if you want we could just do white and add die to it
Graser:let's just use red
Shelby:then go and find will
Graser:how am I supposed to get there?
Shelby:wait how did H get there?
Graser:I think he walked 15 minutes
Shelby:then you do the Same
(Graser goes outside and starts running at a normal pase)
(15 minutes later)
Graser:I'm finally here
(He starts texting will)
G:hay I'm here what row are you in
W:I'm in the ice cream row
G:k thanks cya in a sec cupcakes
(Then Graser starts walking too the ice cream rom and sees H in the next row so we hurrys and goes to H and says"hay Shelby said red icing and I think we should use black icing for the sides so get that and some random candles and he responded with" ok thanks my phone died and I had no clue what to get so your a real help and where is will)
Graser:in the next row
H:oh be careful
Graser:I'm going to keep him busy so cya beautiful
H:oh wow thanks cya
(Graser walks to the next row to will)
Will:hay(he smiles)
Graser:so your almost done?
Will:I have to get a few more things like ham and turkey and stuff because we are running low
Graser:how about after this we go somewhere for dinner
Graser:I asked H and Shelby and they said it was ok if we were a little later
Will:sure then...there are some restaurants in this market so far I saw subway,a little McDonald's and just a little food court shop thing that sells soda and hotdogs
Graser:let's eat subway and we can even bring some back for Shelby and H
Will:in hurry and get the rest I need and you can go ahead and go to subway
Graser:ok cya later cupcake
(Will walks off blushing and tried to hide it then Graser goes to H)
H:I can't decide what to get!
Graser:what do u want?
H:I wanted to get him some little things on the cake but I can't decide what to get eather robot parts or pirate or even little sprinkles will do
Graser:get him this(Graser picks up a pack of edible stars)
H:why this?
Graser;because he's a little star shining brightly
Graser:I have to go to subway what do you want on your sandwich I'm bring you and Shelby back to share
H:I personally don't care but Shelby doesn't like tomatoes and she likes turkey cheese and lettuce just not to much lettuce but a lot of turkey
Graser:thanks cya!(Graser goes to the subway and he sees will walking toward it at the same pase)
Will:I have everything let's just eat
(They both order there's and then Graser orders one for Shelby and H and the man asked "are you two young gentlemen dating?)
Will:no sir(he says with a bright red face)
Graser:we are actually youtubers and we are on a trip right now
Man:oh sorry you two just look cute together
Will:it's ok thanks tho.....
Man:here take this I'm so sorry if I offended you two
(He hands them a both a bag of chips will got dorados and Graser got BBQ then they both said thank you and then went to the back where no one could see them and they started eating)
Will:that was close......
Will:we should hurry
Graser:can I feed you the sandwich
Graser:no one can see us so why not
(Graser started feeding will then someone went back there and Graser quickly said down wills sub and started to drink his own water)
H(in discus):oh sorry I should probably leave you alone(he says in a girly voice)
Will:you look like someone I know
H:oh thanks(he says in his voice trying not to brake cover)

Kiingtongs little secret(will x graser)Where stories live. Discover now