Diving Outside The Pool: A Writing Challenge

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A lot of stories follow a strictly structured (and predictable) plotline, which is why I decided to come up with this challenge. These prompts were created for the eccentric writer with spontaneous ideas.

For thirty days, write about something that hasn't been archived before, or one that breaks the common clichés in plotlines. Have fun with it, and remember, this is about showcasing your unique style as an idividual writer. If you want to write in all lower case or COMPLETE CAPS, then do it!

In which one is challenged to not only think outside of the box, but to also dive outside of the pool.

So, are you up for it?


// ONE (1) // Write a chapter in which a character is forced to speak to someone they dislike.

// TWO (2) // Write a chapter where a character does or says something embarrassing without thinking about the repercussions first. What are the effects of this?

// THREE (3) // Your character has to eat a food they have never tried before. Does he/she react positively or negatively to this?

// FOUR (4) // Write a chapter based on the quote: "Why fit in when you were born to stand out?" - Doctor Seuss.

// FIVE (5) // Write a chapter where a character makes up an activity/game for entertainment purposes.

// SIX (6) // Write a scene in which a character randomly bursts out into a rendition of a song.

// SEVEN (7) // A character tries to make food, but something goes horribly wrong. What happened, and why did it not work out the way he/she wanted it to?

// EIGHT (8) // Have a chapter inspired by a joke or a sarcastic remark.

// NINE (9) // Write a chapter where a guy breaks a common male stereotype.

// TEN (10) // Have a scene that involves a reference to a book/show/movie that you enjoy.

// ELEVEN (11) // Write a chapter in which a character does an activity that he/she has not done since childhood. What kind of memories does this bring back?

// TWELVE (12) // Write a scene where characters bond over a game night together.

// THIRTEEN (13) // Have a scene in which a character stands up to a person they feel has always treated them wrongly.

// FOURTEEN (14) // Write a scene using the word randomosity.

// FIFTEEN (15) // Write a chapter in which a character does an activity or says something completely uncharacteristic of themselves.

// SIXTEEN (16) // A character wears something to please someone else.

// SEVENTEEN (17) // Write a scene about a controversial issue you feel should be acknowledged, and a character that shares the same viewpoint as you.

// EIGHTEEN (18) // Have a scene in which a character goes rock climbing.

// NINETEEN (19) // Write a scene in which your character has a sudden revelation that changes the course of the story.

// TWENTY (20) // Write a chapter in which a character starts to like something (or someone) they previously disliked. What is his/her reaction to this?

// TWENTY ONE (21) // Your character gets kicked out of a store. What happened?

// TWENTY TWO (22) // Write a chapter where a character is forced to choose between two appealing options.

// TWENTY THREE (23) // Take the first pink thing you see and write a chapter based on/incorporated with the object.

// TWENTY FOUR (24) // Have a scene in which a character has an experience similar to your most embarrassing moment.

// TWENTY FIVE (25) // Write a chapter ending with a cliffhanger.

// TWENTY SIX (26) // Write a chapter where a girl breaks a common female stereotype.

// TWENTY SEVEN (27) // Write a chapter based on any type of phobia.

// TWENTY EIGHT (28) // Your character summons the nerve to try something they have always been afraid of. What happens afterwards?

// TWENTY NINE (29) // Have a scene based off a cliché, but with a twist.

// THIRTY (30) // End the story with a scene that pleases you and summarizes the uniqueness and spontaneity of your story.

In case you would rather not do one of the prompts listed above, here are some additional REPLACEMENT PROMPTS:

// REPLACEMENT // Write a chapter in a different writing style.

// REPLACEMENT // A character goes skinny dipping. What happens during this time?

// REPLACEMENT // Have a scene where a character makes a new year's resolution.

// REPLACEMENT // Have a scene take place at a mini golf course.

// REPLACEMENT // Write a chapter where a character tries to play matchmaker but turns out to be a really horrible cupid.

// REPLACEMENT // Have a scene take place at a roller rink.

// REPLACEMENT // Write a chapter in which your character finishes all of the items on their bucket list.


1) Please remember to dedicate a chapter to me a leave a link to your story down below so that I can check it out.

2) You may use these prompts in a one-shot collection or as a cohesive story.

3) You may reorder the prompts if you so please, but do not steal any or claim them as yours.

4) You can start this at any time (whether it is months or years after I post this). It is fully for your enjoyment.

5) This does not have to be done within thirty days. Take all the time you need.

Ask any further questions in the comments section!

Click the external link on the side for a version of the prompts that you can copy and paste.

Have fun!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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