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"What the hell Monkey!?" Yata yelled. He stopped once he saw what (or who) was leaning against the traitor's shoulder. Fushimi bent onto one knee and gently set Y/N down. "I was simply having coffee. Be lucky I even helped the girl." Fushimi growled.  Mikoto opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the commotion.  When he saw Y/N on the floor, he got up and walked towards them.  He stopped and stared at Fushimi.  "You know her, don't you?" Mikoto asked.  Fushimi nodded.  "Monkey, how do you know her.  What was she like."  Yata interrupted.  Fushimi clicked his tongue.  "You wouldn't recognize her." He said.  "I'm the problem." He stated.  Everyone stared at him in confusion.  "She recognizes me! How stupid are you?" He explained slightly raising his voice.  "Ah!" Y/N softly whimpered as she pulled at her hair.  She looked up with tears in her eyes.  "Fu-" She stuttered.  Fushimi's eyes widened.  He came close to her ear and mimicked her words. "...you could at least thank me and introduce yourself.' He whispered. Y/N's eyes widened and she screamed in pain. She grabbed the nearest thing which was Fushimi's arm and dug her nails into his skin. He winced, but didn't pull back. She quieted down and stared at Fushimi. "You're...." She started. Y/N swiftly got up and ran out the door. "What the-" Yata called after her. Yata looked at Fushimi to see his arm was bleeding. Mikoto followed Yata's gaze and his eyes widened. "She was in that much pain." Mikoto mumbled. "Fushimi, who is she?" Izumo asked. "Who? You ask. Why, Y/N is the Golden King's daughter." Fushimi replied, smirking.

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