The Roof

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Munakata got up and walked out of his office.  Yesterday around 2:00 P.M.  Awashima had said Fushimi had avoided her.  Now, Munakata personally was searching for the male.  However, he couldn't find him.  The blue king had checked Fushimi's office and he wasn't there.  So he then asked around and no one said they had seen him.  He had been clocked in when he got there but had never been seen.  Munakata eventually went to check outside.  He looked up to see a glimpse of blue.  Sighing, Munakata went back in the building and walked up the stairs.  When he got to the roof, Fushimi was sitting down with his legs in front of him looking up at the sky.  "Fushimi" Munakata called.  Fushimi lowered his head to look at his captain.  "What?" He said in an annoyed tone.  "Your ruining my peace and quiet." He explained.  "Why aren't you doing work and why are you avoiding everybody?  Munakata asked.  "Because I'm having a man period and need my chocolate" Fushimi said sarcastically while he glared at Munakata. "We need to talk." Munakata said. "We are" Fushimi replied. Munakata sighed. "You said you knew Y/N. How do you know her?" He asked. "How about you tell me how you know her first. It's the polite thing to do." Fushimi said. "Fine. Y/N and I are childhood friends." Munakata explained. Fushimi's eyes widened. He clicked his tongue. "I've only run into her once. I highly dislike her." Fushimi growled. "She has that impression on people." Munakata said. "I can tell, captain" Fushimi sighed. Munakata looked away from Fushimi and turned his head to the sky. Clouds were forming above his head. The once blue sky darkened and a tear rolled down the blue king's cheek. "Are you...crying?!" Fushimi asked, rather confused. "Am i not allowed to shed a tear for the friend I lost?" Munakata replied. "Lost?" Fushimi questioned. "I could see it in her eyes. She has amnesia. Mikoto said that it wasn't over, so he doesn't know what happened either." Munakata said half to himself. "Mikoto huh? I guess he deserves some gratitude for taking care of her." Fushimi said. "Correct." Munakata responded. Munakata walked up to Fushimi. "What are you doing?" Fushimi asked. Munakata ignored him and continued walking. He sat down next to his third in command and sighed. They sat in silence as more clouds formed in the sky. "You never told me. How did you meet Y/N?" Munakata finally asked. Fushimi clicked his tongue and said, "The day you sent me on that mission alone. I disappeared for two days, remember?" Munakata nodded in response. "The reason was, when i found the target, he had back up. They caught me off guard and I was severely injured. After I was ambushed, they left me for dead. I passed out and next thing i knew i was in Y/N's apartment." He explained. "Wait, you never caught or defeated those guys?" Munakata asked. Fushimi shook his head. "I got a report saying the were dealt with." Munakata said. Fushimi's eyes widened. "Who the....there is no way." Fushimi said. Munakata stared at him in confusion. "Well, you see. I had been passed out for a long time. During that time, Y/N could have beat up those guys." Fushimi explained. "Your right. She has the tendency to get annoyed at those who cause her more trouble than she already has." Munakata agreed. Suddenly, a drop of rain hit Fushimi's nose. "Hm?" he touched his nose and looked up at the sky. A rain drop splashed onto his glasses. He took them off to clean them. However, it started pouring and by then it was pointless. He put them in the pocket of his coat. Munakata's glasses started to get hit by rain too. He groaned and took off his glasses. Fushimi and Munakata looked at each other. How were the supposed to see now? "Um...captain?" Fushimi said slowly. "Don't ask me. I don't know what to do either." Both of them broke into a state of deep thought. "Okay. Fushimi give me your arm." Munakata said. "HUH!?" "Just do it!" Munakata said impatiently. Fushimi sighed and slowly got closer to the blurred figure he knew was the blue king. He held out his arm and Munakata grabbed it. "HEY! What are you doing?" Fushimi exclaimed. "Don't worry, I'm not comfortable either, but it is better if we stick together." Fushimi slightly relaxed and grabbed onto Munakata's arm. They staggered to the direction they believed were the stairs. There was a deep fog, especially since the two were on the roof. Their free arms were in front of their bodies, searching for a solid wall. Fushimi"s hand hit a wall. He pulled Munakata toward his body even more so he could feel the wall as well. Once both their hands were on the solid wall, the shuffled along, following it. Finally, they felt a dip, indicating stairs. Both of them cautiously stepped down the stairs one at a time. Eventually they reached the bottom, where they they stopped and wiped off their glasses. When they put them back on, members of Sceptor 4 were staring at them. Awashima was at the front of the group. her gaze flickered from Munakata to Fushimi and then back. She cleared her throat and nodded her head to their arms. They looked down at their hands to see their sides pressed against each other. Their arms intertwined and hands locked together. They swiftly released each others arms and hands and separated.  "Let's just got to my office." Munakata said.  Fushimi nodded.  They walked into the king's office and Fushimi closed the door behind him.  "So.  Tell me.  Do you think Y/N will ever recover?" Munakata asked, placed his chin on his hand.  "I don't have the slightest clue." Fushimi responded while shaking water droplets from his hair. While the two were talking, a green bird broke Munakata's window and flew to where the two were sitting. It dropped a message on the ground in the middle of them and flew away. "What the-" Munakata said as he got up and walked to the broken window. Fushimi grabbed the letter, which Munakata didn't see and put it in his pocket. He would tell Munakata later. Right now, the king had to worry about his window. "Ok captain. Lovely talk but I'm leaving now." Fushimi said. "Hm?" Munakata mumbled. "I've spent too much time with you and you seem to have a problem to deal with." Fushimi explained. Munakata turned around, "While I investigate this, I want you to start spying on HOMRA and deal with this whole amnesia thing." Munakata demanded. "WHAT?! Didn't you hear me when I said I don't fancy that girl?" Fushimi said slightly raising his voice. "I'm your leader and you will listen to me. Also, no telling ANYONE!" Munakata growled. Fushimi clicked his tongue. "I still don't have chocolate."

Hi. This chapter was really gay (not that I have anything against gay topics. I actually wanted to write a yaoi fanfic or something soon.). So I felt like developing the other two now. It's not just a Mikoto x reader. It will be a very long fanfic so yeah. Also I don't know if Munakata and Fushimi are that blind but they are for this chapter.

K x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora