"Ciara?" Mom asked. "You've got some visitors. Shall I send them in?"

Visitors? Do they have any visiting card?

I shook my head. Mom always used professional language. But who would it be?

"Yes, unless they are murderers or something." I scratched the back of my head getting up lazily.

"Of course, they are not." She started walking away. "I'm sending them in."

I nodded and seconds later the door burst open.

"CIARA FRANKLIN! Holy cow's sister, are you okay?" Nancy yelled dramatically rushing up to me and embracing me into a tight, bone-crushing hug.

"I was, but if you keep holding me like this, I'll end up with 5 bones damaged." I hugged her back. I loved hugs too..

"Oh yeah. You are right." She pulled away while keeping a stern gaze on me, my face, and my body to search for any physical damage. There wasn't any. Thankfully. Sigh.

Behind her, I saw Jasmine and Jason waving a high to me waiting to meet me too.

"Hey there Jasmine and Jason how are you?" I asked shaking hands with them.

"We are good Ciara." They both said in unison and then looked at each other blushing. Which stick was up their arses?

I'll find out later. "C'mon sit down guys. It's your house."

"Ciara, are you really okay? I know whatever happened, that day was really ugly I should have been there that Nic-" Jason started with guilt laced in his voice. I wonder if he was going to cry too.

"Jason." I sighed. "Nothing was your fault. I think I handled him quite well. He was such a meek person-"

"With a meek dick." Nancy chimed in.

I laughed in response. "Yeah, and I think now he will not even look at any other girl like that."

"I really wonder how can you be this much strong." Jasmine voiced her thoughts because it was the first thing she had said in our conversation.

"When a boy named 'Irritating Curly' is supporting you, one can be really strong. Right Ciara?" Nancy wriggled her eyebrows painfully slowly at me.
"What? I didn't understand?" I started turning pink. How did she know that? She hadn't even checked my phone and yet she was unknowingly talking about Harry.

"You sent me a picture of this boy with that name when I asked you to send me the picture of the question you wanted to ask." She smirked with naughtiness in her voice.

"That means a boy was there to look after our Ciara?" Jason asked with an amused smile.

Jasmine was highly concentrated in our stupid chat.

"No no. Actually he's a friend. Nothing else." Ciara stop hyperventilating.

"Tell me he is that Harry guy, right?" Nancy tried to confirm.

"Uh-uh yeah." I approved.

"Wait Harry as in Harry Styles? That person who works in the gym?" Jason asked with a heavy tone.

"Yes. How do you know him?" I was getting more curious by the second.

Jason took a heavy breath. "Well, his friend Liam is my buddy and I've known Harry for three years. How is he with you?"

"How he's with me? Just normal." I couldn't tell him in detail because I already knew Harry was different to me than to everyone else.

Jason sensed that I didn't want to open things about us, he nodded. "Actually, he has been a mysterious guy for so long. I'm quite sure the last time people saw him smiling was-" He disturbed this hair style with his hand to reminiscence. "Yes, when he was with a girl. After that, the girl-"

"Okay now stop. Let's not talk about him when we are meeting after so many days." I abruptly spoke.

No, Jason tell me. What girl? When did this happen? Now why is he so happy with me?

I had thousand questions like these in my mind. But I couldn't ask. I wanted Harry to confess them to me.

Obviously, the thought of Harry liking a girl made my gut churn with some strange feeling. Definitely not jealously, I never thought in my wildest dreams that any boy like Harry would even talk to me, yet here he was, becoming one of the most closest person to me.

Whatever it was, I wanted him to tell it to me first. If he never did, I will never force him to.

Because in reality, I never opened up myself to him in the first place.

"Franklin? Are you alive? What's so interesting in my hand?" Jasmine waved at me.

I quickly broke my gaze from her hand, I didn't know that I had been staring at it, lost in my thoughts.

"People, I've brought some snacks for you." Mom entered placing a tray of chips, fries, biscuits, coffee and whatnot on the table. The perks of having a mom good in kitchen.

"You know what? Your mom is heaven. She takes so good care of you." Jason spoke once mom had gone.

"She does. She does." I nodded in agreement.

"Oh! And one thing I forgot!" Jasmine screeched startling all of us in one go.

"What is it?" Jason, Nancy and I said shaking our heads.

"Beth is becoming a bitch for you beating that prick Nick." She wide eyed told me.

I rolled my eyes, talk about annoying people, "So what? I just had a warm up fight with him, he got fractured. The moment I'll touch her, she'll get her whole body sore." I said with a smug expression. I loved fighting, well, not completely but if someone was a threat to me, they had to get away from my life.

By hook or by crook.

"Nice hack." Jasmine said patting my shoulder.

"Okay I guess that's a wrap. We'll see you tomorrow Ciara. Just be careful with Harry. I mean, he's a confusing person. And confusing people are deceiving." Jason said getting up.

"Hell yeah, don't get yourself pregnant over the weekend." Nancy spat. And I snorted back a laughter.

"I promise I won't, I love protection." I winked at her and I saw Jason rolling his eyes. He hated our stupid jokes.

"See you in school Ciara. Take care." Jasmine spoke and then I walked them out of the house.


I wanted to say, Middle Of The Night by The Vamps is a nice song. I liked its video too.

The book is getting more reads day by day and I love to see it. So happy that you all are appreciating it.

Well, keep supporting and I'll try to work as hard as possible.

Vote, comment and share guys. X

Until next time,
Much love,
Mohika Arya.

Twitter: @MohikaArya

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