✎ note nº0

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Serena wasn't that popular at school, I mean sure, she had her friends, but she wasn't exactly someone people would look up to or anything. Her teachers almost always described her as calm and collected, which Serena thought was a good thing. She enjoyed most of her classes and excelled as a student.

Ash, however, was the complete opposite, mind elsewhere always and he wasn't the most intelligent. He was rather well known for being popular and a bit of a playboy. He would rather play football outside and live life to the fullest before sitting down on a desk for hours for things he found uninterested and unhelpful.

Serena hadn't put too much thought into Ash, even if she noticed his presence on her math class, until a note hit the back of her head.

hey, can you pass me the two? - ash ketchum

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hey, can you pass me the two? - ash ketchum

no. - serena yvonne

pass me the two ; amourshippingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora