Sportacus's guilt

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*Here's the next part I promised, the next will come when I will write it but it's all for today ^^*

Sportacus sit down with the kids almost asleep now, "So you want to know my past, I will tell you that story." Sportacus start to cry, the kids looking at Sportacus with surprise.

"A long time ago, when I was 6 years old, I had a brother, a half brother to be more precise, but something happened, it was an accident. All began when my mother died. I was only 4 years old, then my father wanted to marry someone else, but this other woman, I didn't trust her, she was always taking him away from me, when I wanted to play with him, later I realized, my father was happy with her and I thought, that's the only thing that matters.

Some years latter he announces me that I will have a brother, I was happy to know that, I will finally have someone to play with, when my half brother grew up at the age of 2, I was 6 and I wanted to play with him but suddenly something happens, I saw my dad crying on someone's corpse. It was my brother's mom dying in his arms, I never saw my dad so much in pain.

I try to comfort him, but he rejected me and listen to her's last wishes, I didn't know what that was at this time, but when times pass, I could guess what it was, she ask him to taking care of her son. But when I saw that the child they was talking of wasn't me, I cried too because that was meaning that my dad will only taking care of him and not me.

I started to feel envy of him and I started to had weird though, like if I get rid of him maybe I could get my father's loves, back again for me. It was the first time and the only one time I follow what my envy saying.

I started to tell my father to get some candy for my brother, when he goes search one, I take my brother with me to the forest, I let him there alone... When I came back my father was coming home with candy, I started to pretend crying of sadness, but I was crying of guilty, I couldn't told my father any lie, so I told him he was in the forest, my father started to search deep into the forest and return home devastate, he didn't find him.

That night I wanted to repair what I did, so I go into the forest, the only thing I could find was a piece of his clothe, I concluded that he was dead somewhere deep in the forest. I kept that secret with me till now, and, everytime I think of it, I feel guilty. You now know his sad story."

The kids look each others with confusion, they saw in the mind of Robbie, that he was happy, Sportacus saved his life, but the two story didn't match together. The kids told Sportacus : "You should say this to Robbie you know." "Why Robbie ? He got nothing to do with this story ! You may be upset I didn't told him that story, to comfort him. Who can be comfort with this secret of mine anyway !" "But we say maybe... maybe you should told him that story, we think that, it could help both of you, understand the feeling of the other." "Well, ok I will do that but remember if he judge me I will not be in fault. You told me to...." So Sportacus went to Robbie's lair again...

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