Robbie's memories

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*I'm sorry to not out this part more earlier, I got some responsibilities to take irl so here the next part and the other part coming really soon enjoy*

For the first time the kids could seen what's inside Robbie's mind, in some way they wasn't surprised of what they have seen, until something came out. It was Robbie as a young boy maybe at the age of 2, they seen something they couldn't believe... "Who is the other boy with him ?" ask Stephanie, "he is taking care of him. Who it could be ?" the boy who was taking care of his younger brother was like 6 years old, and suddenly they saw something familiar to them the little Robbie was falling from his chair in the memory and suddenly the older boy jump up to rescue him.

The kids couldn't believe it. Stephanie ask "Do you think it's Sportacus ?" Ziggy respond "No way, if they were brothers, we noticed it... it's maybe Robbie who's dreaming ofbeen the brother of Sportacus like me dreaming to be Sportacus." Suddenly they saw the father of Robbie congrating his son to have saved his brother.

Robbie wakes up with some memory back from his past... he was knock out when he realise the meaning of this. He realised why Sportacus taking so much care of him. He cries more when he learn that Sportacus was the man who saved his life when he was a baby. He then noticed something on his head "What's that ?" he take the robot bee and drop it away. The kids noticed that and run as fast as they could to there house and went immediately to their beds. Robbie heard something coming out of his lair, he immediately watch what was that noise, he seen all the kids running out of his lair. "Those kids always disturbing me raaah... Someday I'll get them... I wish... someday... I will..." He suddenly fell asleep.

The next day, all the kids were in their beds, Sportacus wondering where they was and noticed, they didn't sleep as must as they should. He goes to wake them up and start to speak to them "You know good sleep is a necessary to be ready for all the next day. Why you didn't sleep well ?" Stephanie answer "Oh, you know Sportacus.. we couldn't sleep... because we did a big discovery last night and..." Stephanie couldn't say more and fell asleep. "What kind of discovery ? You may discover that sleeping is important to your health." Stephanie try to stay awake and answer "No... we discover something... about your past... you didn't tell us you had a brother!" The kids don't want to admit, it was Robbie, they thought Sportacus would know this.

Sportacus was shocked when he heard this "My... my brother... no way I didn't have a brother. I would remember if I had one..." he stop speaking for a while and got some childhood memories. "How did you know about him ? No one's does, it was the saddest part of my life, it's maybe the time I told you this story..."

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