You won't

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        Linesse couldn't even think what state Bard or any of them must be in, but she couldn't help but to hope that they were alive. Even if her head was swarmed with the information that Thranduil feed her she still thought of the people who took care of her over the years. 

Two things worried her, the state that her family might be in or will be in, and second would be what if she was actually Thranduil's wife? Would she live in Mirkwood? Was Legolas her son? Could she learn to love the cruel and cold King that she have hated for so long? She wish she could know the answers, she wish she wasn't blind to the truth. 


"Bard!!" Linesse yelled over the screams and frantic shouts of the people of Lake town, "Bain!!" she yelled again hoping she could spot anyone of her family. "Bard!!" she frantically yelled over the screams of other people right before she could turn a corner parts of a house came falling down along with fire, Linesse jumped and landed on the ground harshly as she covered her head while pieces of wood fell on her. 

"Linesse!!" she heard a familiar voice, her head shot up and saw a worried Bain, "Bain!!" she shouted as she pushed herself up and crashed Bain into her arms. "Linesse where have you been, da has been looking everywhere for you." Bain said in a hurry "Where are your sisters and da?" Linesse asked as she cupped his face "My sisters are safe but da is up there." he said as he pointed towards the tower right where the bell is. "I have to give this to him," as he held up the black arrow. Linesse looked up and worry coursed through her, "Keep low and follow me." she ordered Bain as she started running towards Bard who was fighting off the dragon by himself. 

"Bard!!" she yelled grabbing his attention immediately, "Linesse get out of here!! Bain!? What are you still doing here!?" He yelled "No! Not without you!!" she shouted as tears started threatening her eyes "I came here to help you!" Bain yelled "I can't lose you and Linesse, Leave now!!" he shouted suddenly as everything stood still as she watched Bard fight off Smaug she felt a pair of arms wrap around her carrying her far from the new desolation of Smaug. As she suddenly turn around to see who grabbed her she was shocked to be met with a pair of electric blue orbs. "What are you doing here!?" Linesse snarled "Saving you!!" Thranduil argued as he kept carrying her far and father from her 'home'.

"I don't need saving... you shouldn't be saving me-- you should be saving lake town!!" Linesse spat as venomously as she could but Thranduil grabbed her shoulders without shaking her he yelled "I WOULD IF I COULD!! I WOULD IF IT DOESN'T MEAN RISKING OUR LIVES AND OUR PEOPLE!! I WOULD DO ANYTHING YOU ASK ME TO-- I WOULD GO TO THE EDGES OF THE WORLD FOR YOU-- I WOULD TRADE ALL THE GOLD IN ARDA FOR YOU BUT NEVER WILL I EVER RISK OUR LIVES ESPECIALLY YOURS!! I CAN'T LOSE YOU AGAIN.... I just can't." he whispered the last part. 

Linesse was speechless. How could her heart flutter for such a cruel elf? and how could such a cold heart person say such things? Was she really who he says she is? Was she really Queen Elodiel, wife of the King Thranduil? She didn't know what to say as she stared into the eyes of a very scared elf, scared to lose her. As if her mouth had a mind of its own she whispered enough for him to hear "You won't." tears streamed down the King's face as his wife stared at him with so much care. 

Thranduil pulled her into a bone crushing hug not wanting to ever let go and he won't. 


Once Linesse saw Smaug's body falling from the sky she knew that it was over, she instantly ran towards the shore near Lake town ignoring the King that she left behind with his men as they were talking on how to approach the King under the mountain. "Bard!!" Linesse yelled as she searching the now burnt down Lake town "BARD!!  .... please." she whispered the last part as tears started falling again.

"Linesse!" she heard his voice from the distance she spun around and saw Bard, Bain, Tilda and Sigrid all covered in black. Happy tears now replaced Linesse's frantic tears she smiled brightly as she started running towards her family. As she reached them she pulled Bain into a hug and kissed his head and did the same for Tilda and Sigrid. She then threw her arms around Bard and hugged him like never before. "I am so glad you guys are safe." Linesse sobbed in Bard's chest.

Suddenly they heard a throat cleared from behind and as the family looked to where it came from they saw the Elven King along with his kin-- but let me scratch that a very furious looking Elven King along with his shocked Kin. Bard then kissed Linesse's head and if anyone notice the Elven King was now red. 

"We know of your past Linesse," one of Thranduil's kin spoke as if he has known Linesse all his life, Linesse's brows furrowed as she asked "What of my past?" Bard and the rest of his family stared at Linesse all scared that if Linesse found her real family that she would leave and it would break Bard's heart but he knows that he would do anything as long as it made Linesse happy if he found out that Linesse was married to someone else even an Elf he would gladly return her to him for he also knows the pain of losing someone dear to him. 

"Maybe we shall talk about that after we visit a certain dwarf whose greed has corrupted him," the King said "Oh, Welcome back.... Elodiel." Linesse frowned at that name,


Everyone including Bard and his family started walking towards the mountain and Thranduil then returned to his kingdom asking himself Why was his wife all over Bard, and not himself? He felt ashamed as his wife was in some mortal's arms but he knows in the end his wife would return. 

Years of searching and years of yearning he has finally found his wife or more like his wife found him. She was in his reach and he smiled at the thought of that. Years of crying himself to sleep and cheering up Legolas every time he asked for his mother he has finally found her. He would now stop lying to himself, he was now more than ok. 

He was with his wife even if she wasn't in his arms still he knew that his wife hasn't died from the accident that haunted him.

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