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        Linesse swam as fast as she could back to her small boat, her heart was beating faster than usual but it was also beating of fear. She was never this scared, how could she be when she was even excited to kill Thranduil? but for some reason as the King looked at her without her scarf covering her face she saw a glint in his eyes. 

As she entered Lake Town she quickly told the gate keeper that she was just checking if the barrels came so Bard wouldn't have to go all the way there with his barge if there was no barrels. The gate keeper then smiled at Linesse as she paddled her way back to her house. She walked up the stairs and saw Sigrid, Tilda and Bain. "Where have you been Linesse?" Bain asked "Da has been worried about you," Tilda added "Didn't he get my letter?" Linesse asked as she took an apple and started eating it while she walked into her room to change, Bain then called out "But you can't blame a man for loving you too much." Linesse stuck her head out of her room and had a shock expression "And why do you think that young man?" she asked

Sigrid and Tilda giggled, "Da does worry for you a lot, he cares for you a lot and most of all he always treat you different from the other women." Bain said proudly like he really wanted Linesse and his father to be together. Linesse got out of her clothes and changed into a simple dress (Displayed on the side) "Well Bain, I admire that you state your opinion but we all know your da loves your mother and only your mother." Linesse said but as she came out she collided with someone making their chest touch. She looked up and saw Bard, she blushed as she noticed how close they were. "I'm so glad you are safe." Bard sighed as he pulled Linesse into a hug and as Linesse looked over Bard's shoulder she saw Bain wiggling his eyebrows. 

Later that night as Linesse fell asleep in her own bed she thought she would have her usual dream, the dream of either killing the elven king or the painful memories of her past but this night was different,

Blackness surrounded her like she was wrapped in a blanket, she was chilled to the bone and could not move. Her head hurt painfully but as she tried to open her eyes she noticed how heavy her eyelids were and how her body throbbed with an intense feeling of pain. But she felt cold, she was an Elf. How could she feel cold without fading or dying in battle? 

She didn't knew where she was but she could only see snow and rocks she tried moving but every time she tried to bolts of pain would shoot through her body. "Are you okay?" a voice asked but no face could be seen. "Miss? Miss? Can you hear me?" the voice asked again but still a voice belonged to no one she saw. Where am I? What happened? and mostly who am I?

Suddenly the snow and rocks disappeared and now she was falling through the sky she screamed and what made it even worse, it felt real.

Linesse bolted up covered in her own sweat, this usually doesn't happen. she then got up from her bed even though it was far from morning she didn't want to go to sleep. She went to the kitchen to drink some water but she jumped as a voice startled her from behind "Can't sleep?" she whipped around half expecting the elven king but was relief to see it was just her comrade, Bard. She put her right hand over her chest and said "You startled me," he chuckled "Yeah, just been having nightmares, you?"

"Same here but more like sweet dreams but they are too painful to go through." he said a silence stood between them as Linesse drank her water but then Bard asked "Where did you go?" her stomach clenched and her pupils dilated. "Just out." she replied bluntly not making eye contact. "Linesse I know you are lying, beside the gate keeper told me you went to check on the barrels." he said making Linesse feel more and more guilty. "You went to Thranduil's home didn't you?" he asked as if he dreaded that Linesse would say yes to his question. 

but the silence from Linesse told Bard everything, he just sighed and said "It's dangerous there Linesse, I understand that you are mad but--" he was cut off as Linesse snapped "No you don't, You don't know what it is like to live so long seeing the ones you love grow up and die and repeating it all over again." Linesse couldn't help but let tears fall from her eyes. Bard then approached her and wrapped his arms around her rubbing her back. He hated seeing her like this but what he hates even more is her running off like she knew the dangers of the world when she doesn't. 

Bard pulled away and cupped Linesse's face and said to her "I will always be here for you so will Tilda and them. We are here for you just don't go running off again, we worry too much." Linesse smiled as she nodded, Bard then leaned in and kissed her head. "Come on let's get you to bed." Bard said as he guided her back to her bed "Thank you Bard." Linesse said as she closed the door to her room but yet as she fell back asleep she had the same dream again.


        Thranduil bolted up with sweat on his forehead it has been the first night in a very long time that his dreams became this intense. It's all because of that assassin he wasn't sure if he saw right or it was truly her. but how could it be? They searched for her for a year and just years later she turns up wanting to kill him. why? Thranduil wiped the sweat off his head as he got out of his bed to go to her statue.

The great Illuvatar only knows how much he misses her. He misses her good night kisses, her songs as she sang him and Legolas to sleep, her bright smile she would give him every morning as they wake up next to each other naked or not, he would miss how she would braid his hair. but ever since she disappeared he never experience any of those, he never braids his hair anymore, only she could braid them just the way he likes it. He even didn't allow Legolas to sing anymore because Legolas had the most fairest voice in Mirkwood he took after his mom. 

If it was true that the assassin was actually Elodiel, Thranduil had to know, he had to find her because if it was her he won't allow himself to lose her again. Losing her again would always lead to his already broken heart break if it was even possible. Thranduil went out of his room and called the guards, Tauriel appeared in front of him.

"I want all eyes on every single side of this kingdom, I want that assassin alive. No one shall harm the assassin once you caught the assassin bring it to me." he ordered, Tauriel hesitantly nodded wondering why the King would give such a fuss over the assassin but Thranduil already made up his mind, 

he would know his wife when he sees her.

and he was one hundred percent that the assassin was his wife. 

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